`Jaén's Olive Oil Production Falling Short of Forecast - Olive Oil Times
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Jaén's Olive Oil Production Falling Short of Forecast

By Erin Ridley
Jan. 19, 2016 12:29 UTC

After last year’s low olive oil pro­duc­tion sea­son, Spain was poised to see sub­stan­tially stronger num­bers this year, and the Andalusian government’s offi­cial fore­cast affirmed this. But with pro­vi­sional December num­bers in, ASAJA-Jaén (Jaén’s Young Farmers Agricultural Association) said the esti­mates almost cer­tainly won’t be met.

The gov­ern­ment fore­casted that the Andalusian region as a whole would pro­duce 1.03 mil­lion met­ric tons of olive oil, a size­able jump from last year’s total regional out­put of roughly 675,000 met­ric tons. So far, how­ever, Andalusia has only pro­duced 664,000 met­ric tons, just 64 per­cent of the total fore­cast.

Jaén, the regional, national and global epi­cen­ter of olive oil pro­duc­tion, is even fur­ther behind. The province has pro­duced roughly 295,000 met­ric tons, which means they cur­rently fall 40 per­cent short of the total esti­mated 485,000 met­ric tons.

It’s not all bad news, though, as the rest of the country’s pro­duc­tion is on track. Provisional pro­duc­tion thus far for Spain (beyond Andalusia) sits at 195,000 met­ric tons, which already meets the pro­jected fore­cast.

But given that Andalusia is respon­si­ble for pro­vid­ing the bulk of the country’s olive oil, the rest of Spain’s out­put won’t make the nec­es­sary impact on final pro­duc­tion. Indeed, since October, the entire coun­try has pro­duced 859,000 met­ric tons; mean­while, the total national fore­cast was set at 1.2 mil­lion, likely an unreach­able num­ber, espe­cially since the har­vest began ear­lier than usual.

Luis Carlos Valero, the man­ager and spokesper­son for ASAJA-Jaén, shares a mixed out­look. We find our­selves in front of a har­vest that will be very tight when it comes to oil availability….and despite the lat­est rains, the olive groves are at a deficit for water, which will in all like­li­hood affect next year’s har­vest.” Even still, he says the num­bers show the mar­ket is sta­ble when it comes to sales and prices, and it should remain that way.”


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