`Olive Oil For a Healthy Digestive System - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil For a Healthy Digestive System

By Norma Kamali
Nov. 30, 2011 20:55 UTC

A healthy diges­tive sys­tem is impor­tant for our well-being. It turns food into the energy and gets rid of waste, all nec­es­sary for the proper func­tion­ing of our body.

Maintaining a healthy gas­troin­testi­nal sys­tem is man­age­able and can be done by slowly tick­ing off a list of foods that are ben­e­fi­cial to our diges­tive sys­tem.

Elimination is impor­tant, and reg­u­lar bowel move­ments play a role in gas­troin­testi­nal health as well as gen­eral well­ness, and the pres­ence of fat and liq­uids in the diet is nec­es­sary to main­tain healthy bowel move­ments.

Olive oil is the ideal fat, not only because it ben­e­fits other parts of our body such as our heart, but also because it can pro­tect our diges­tive sys­tem from ulcers. Studies show that incor­po­rat­ing olive oil into your diet may help treat or pre­vent stom­ach ulcers.

Try olive oil in your diet every­day for reg­u­lar­ity and pro­tec­tion.


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