`Olive Oil May Affect How Genes Function - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil May Affect How Genes Function

By Elena Paravantes
Feb. 4, 2013 09:25 UTC


A new Spanish study pub­lished in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry shows that olive oil con­sump­tion may change the way genes func­tion, reduc­ing car­dio­vas­cu­lar risk.

It is known that oleic acid, a fatty acid present in olive oil, and polyphe­nols may be able to raise high den­sity cho­les­terol (HDL) also known as the good cho­les­terol,” because it car­ries cho­les­terol away from the arter­ies back to the liver.

For this study the researchers of the Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition Research Group, Research Institute Hospital del Mar in Barcelona, wanted to find out if olive oil polyphe­nols could affect the response of genes in rela­tion to HDL, more specif­i­cally in rela­tion to cho­les­terol efflux. Cholesterol efflux capac­ity is a direct mea­sure of the effi­ciency by which HDL removes cho­les­terol from cells on the artery walls, and it appears that ele­vated efflux capac­ity can reduce the risk of coro­nary artery dis­ease.

In this ran­dom­ized, con­trolled trial, the researchers assigned 13 pre/hypertensive patients to 2 groups. The first group received 30 ml (2 table­spoons) of olive oil with high polyphe­nol con­tent and the sec­ond group received an olive oil with mod­er­ate polyphe­nol con­tent. Analysis of sev­eral mea­sures showed that there was a sig­nif­i­cant effect of olive oil polyphe­nols (from the polyphe­nol rich olive oil) in increas­ing the response of cer­tain genes involved in cho­les­terol efflux from HDL. In other words, the con­sump­tion of polyphe­nol rich olive oil may have a pos­i­tive effect on the genes involved in reduc­ing cir­cu­lat­ing cho­les­terol and thus reduc­ing car­dio­vas­cu­lar risk.

The results of this study back up results of pre­vi­ous stud­ies from the same research group that showed that polyphe­nol rich olive oil and the Mediterranean diet reduced the response of genes pro­mot­ing buildup of plaque in the arter­ies.


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