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Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie Launch Olive Oil Brand

Rumours that Brad pitt and Angelina planned to sell Chateau Miraval were quashed by their launch of a gourmet olive oil, produced from olives grown on the French estate.

By Julie Al-Zoubi
Mar. 21, 2017 12:00 UTC

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie recently launched a gourmet brand of organic extra vir­gin olive oil, pro­duced from olives grown on their French Estate, Château Miraval. 10,000 bot­tles of L’Huile d’Olive Miraval pack­aged in black stoneware bot­tles went on sale in a few of France’s spe­cialty food shops and the Famille Perrin web­site.

Brangelina’s EVOO is a blended oil pro­duced from olives grown on the Miraval estate and locally-sourced Verdale, Pichouline, Tanche, Lucques, Aglandau, Cayon and Arboussane organic olives.

On Miraval’s 26 acres of olive groves, 13 vari­eties of olives are cul­ti­vated. The estate’s olive trees stand on 20-mile long, dry stone walled ter­races, which date back to Roman times. The ter­race sys­tem is con­ducive to pro­duc­ing evenly ripened fruit.

Pitt and Jolie’s impend­ing divorce sparked rumors that Château Miraval would be sold. These rumors were quashed last week by the estate’s man­ager, Mark Perrin who told ARP, The rumors about the sale of the domain are false. It’s an invest­ment for the fam­ily and the chil­dren. They are involved in all aspects of run­ning the estate.”

Perrin went on to men­tion the new olive oil say­ing; Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have also launched an olive oil, the trees of the prop­erty hav­ing reached matu­rity. There are 12 hectares and now that they are 12 years old we have extracted a 100 per­cent organic EVOO.”

Perrin described L’Huile d’Olive Miraval to Tornos News as, suave, with notes of almond, hazel­nut and arti­choke barigoule.” He told People Food that the EVOO was a Velvety oil with notes of almonds and hazel­nut, pun­gent and spicy with a scent of fresh cut grass.”

Pitt and Jolie pur­chased Château Miraval in 2011 for $60 mil­lion. The cou­ple mar­ried in a pri­vate cer­e­mony at the Château’s 13th-cen­tury chapel, in 2014. The 1,000-acre estate is near the vil­lage of Correns, in the south of France.

The Château, which dates back to 1841 boasts 74 acres of vine­yards, from which two, well-received white wines and a rosé have been pro­duced.

The first batch of Miraval Rosé was released in 2012. The ini­tial 6,000 bot­tles sold in five hours, accord­ing to reports. Miraval Rosé went on to be named Wine Spectator’s top rosé wine of 2013. Miraval’s lat­est vin­tage recently went on sale, stamped as Bottled by Pitt, Jolie and Perrin.”

L’Huile d’Olive Miraval is sold for €85 for a 500 ML bot­tle. It is expected to become avail­able in the US in the com­ing weeks.

Brangelina’s olive oil is expected to become a reg­u­lar Miraval prod­uct line. Following this ini­tial press­ing, future har­vests will fol­low with a lim­ited num­ber of bot­tles being made avail­able for sale.


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