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Acesur Expands U.S. Footprint

The company says it will produce its first California olive oil in 2027 and anticipates yields of one million liters.

Acesur anticipates producing one million tons of olive oil each year when the trees mature. (Photo: Acesur)
By Daniel Dawson
Nov. 27, 2023 17:32 UTC
Acesur anticipates producing one million tons of olive oil each year when the trees mature. (Photo: Acesur)

Acesur, one of the world’s largest olive oil pro­duc­ers and bot­tlers, con­tin­ued its pres­ence in the United States by pur­chas­ing 356 hectares in California.

Carlos Yagüe Benjumea, the company’s head of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, told Olive Oil Times that the Spanish com­pany founded more than 150 years ago had planted 450,000 Arbosana, Arbequina, Lecciana and Sikitita trees that are expected to enter pro­duc­tion ahead of the 2027 har­vest.

The grove is located in Woodland, California, one of the state’s most sig­nif­i­cant olive-grow­ing regions just west of Sacramento.

See Also:Cautious Optimism as Olive Harvest Gets Underway in California

We hope to obtain about five mil­lion kilo­grams of olives, which in an aver­age yield of 20 per­cent would put us at one mil­lion liters,” Yagüe Benjumea said.

The com­pany plans to mill the olives with a local part­ner and sell the result­ing extra vir­gin olive oil in the United States.

Acesur would be in a posi­tion to bring to the mar­ket an extra vir­gin olive oil of Californian ori­gin, which the local con­sumer highly appre­ci­ates since the coun­try is only capa­ble of pro­duc­ing five per­cent of the olive oil it con­sumes, being the main con­sumer out­side the European Union,” Yagüe Benjumea said.

He described the pur­chase and plant­ing as the first phase of a project to expand the company’s U.S. pres­ence.

Last year, Acesur opened its first bot­tling and dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ter in Suffolk, Virginia, roughly ten years after open­ing its first com­mer­cial office in New York City.

In phase two, [we will] expand our olive grove and acquire our own mill and pack­ag­ing plant,” Yagüe Benjumea said.

He added that the deci­sion to expand its U.S. pres­ence comes after the com­pany reported strong growth for Acesur North America, which exceeded $100 mil­lion (€92 mil­lion) in rev­enue, along with a 15 per­cent increase in sales in North America.

According to chief exec­u­tive Gonzalo Guillen, expand­ing Acesur’s capac­ity to pro­duce olive oil in some of its most impor­tant mar­kets is part of its wider strate­gic plan.

Acesur is immersed in a great strate­gic plan that seeks to grow in its ver­ti­cal inte­gra­tion… and the grow­ing inter­na­tion­al­iza­tion of its busi­nesses,” he told Olive Oil Times. Therefore, we are invest­ing in expand­ing our pro­duc­tion capac­ity, adding more hectares of mod­ern olive groves owned or man­aged by our­selves.”

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