`Fratelli Aprile: The Art of Extra Virgin - Olive Oil Times
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Fratelli Aprile: The Art of Extra Virgin

By Luciana Squadrilli
Oct. 6, 2011 10:30 UTC
In Sicily extra vir­gin olive com­bines haute cui­sine, local cul­ture and con­tem­po­rary art

Deep down in Southern Italy, in the won­der­ful Sicilian Valle dell’Irminio, Daniele and Roberto Aprile pro­duce excel­lent extra vir­gin olive oils from the tra­di­tional local cul­ti­vars such as the intense Cetrale (or Tonda Iblea) and the del­i­cate Biancolilla.

Despite hav­ing inher­ited the land in the Scicli coun­try­side and the pas­sion for olive oil from their fam­ily, they are any­thing but obso­lete and old-fash­ioned.

The mod­ern and accu­rate graphic, the up-to-date web­site and the atten­dance to major gas­tro­nomic events clearly demon­strate it. But they also have a great atten­tion for local cul­ture and con­tem­po­rary art, suc­cess­fully link­ing tra­di­tion and inno­va­tion. The last exam­ple is the adop­tion” of the long-time aban­doned olive-yards grow­ing around the ancient rural church of the Holy Spirit (Santo Spirito) in Scicli.

While the church has been res­cued and restored in 2010 by the local artis­tic group Gruppo Asterisco, the Aprile broth­ers are cul­ti­vat­ing, har­vest­ing and press­ing the olives of the old trees. The rev­enues from the sale of this lim­ited edi­tion extra vir­gin olive oil will finance the group’s projects.

Every year, this rare prod­uct will have a dif­fer­ent label, espe­cially designed by an artist and selected through a con­test. 2011 win­ner was Corrado Iozzia, with his work the print”: a green shaded fin­ger­print under­lin­ing a deep link between nature, olive oil and human labor. A pow­er­ful image that – just as the Aprile olive oil does — leaves its mark.


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