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A Bumper Harvest Predicted in Jordan

Despite drought and extreme weather, olive oil production is expected to reach 30,000 tons for only the third time in Jordan.
By Paolo DeAndreis
Nov. 2, 2022 01:10 UTC

Olive grow­ers in Jordan are on track to increase olive oil pro­duc­tion by 20 to 25 per­cent in the 2022/23 crop year com­pared to the pre­vi­ous sea­son.

According to the gov­ern­ment, over­all olive oil yields should reach 30,000 tons. Minister of Agriculture Khaled Al-Hneifat said these fig­ures mean pro­duc­tion would be suf­fi­cient to cover inter­nal con­sump­tion and some exports.

International Olive Council data show that Jordan pro­duced 22,000 tons of olive oil in the pre­vi­ous crop year. The Middle Eastern king­dom has yielded an aver­age of 24,600 tons over the past five sea­sons.

In the last 20 years, Jordan has pro­duced more than 30,000 tons of olive oil just twice, yield­ing 37,000 tons in the 2006/07 crop year and 34,500 tons in 2019/20. Annual aver­age national olive oil con­sump­tion sits at about 21,000 tons.

See Also:2022 Harvest Updates

Despite the expec­ta­tions of a boun­ti­ful har­vest, olive farm­ers faced plenty of chal­lenges through­out the year. High tem­per­a­tures and sig­nif­i­cant rain at a del­i­cate moment allowed insects and fun­gus to breed in the olive groves over the sum­mer.

According to Mahmoud Oran, the Jordan Farmers Union’s (JFU) pres­i­dent, these chal­lenges were com­pounded by low rain­fall last win­ter, an unex­pected March frost that dam­aged some trees dur­ing flow­er­ing and a 10-day heat­wave at the end of August.

According to Oran, the August heat­wave delayed the plant­ing of other crops and impacted pro­duc­tiv­ity in rain­fed olive groves.

Last year, a ripe olive fruit con­tained 17 to 19 per­cent oil,” he told local media. This year, I believe that per­cent­age won’t be higher than 15 per­cent.”

While the new har­vest gets under­way in the coun­try, uncer­tain­ties increase about retail olive oil prices.

Mahmoud Al-Omari, the spokesman of a millers’ and pro­duc­ers’ union, told local media that the price of a 16-liter tin of olive oil might rise to 85 Jordanian dinars (JOD) (€121), mean­ing one liter of olive oil would be about JOD 5.30 (€7.60).

On a local tele­vi­sion pro­gram, Al-Hneifat said there was a need for con­tin­ued gov­ern­ment over­sight at mills to ensure pro­duc­ers com­plied with qual­ity stan­dards. The min­istry exe­cutes peri­odic checks at mills with the sup­port of a spe­cial com­mit­tee formed by experts in the olive sec­tor.

We care about the olive har­vest because it mat­ters to every Jordanian house­hold around the king­dom,” Al-Hneifat said.


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