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Celebrated Sicilian Farmer Preserves Taditional Landscapes, Cultivars

The producers behind Agrestis have won five World Competition Gold Awards for the endemic Tonda Iblea monovarietal cultivated in Sicily’s southern mountains.

Years of drought resulted in a reduced harvest at Agrestis in the 2024/25 crop year. (Photo: Agrestis)
By Ylenia Granitto
Jan. 30, 2025 20:50 UTC
Years of drought resulted in a reduced harvest at Agrestis in the 2024/25 crop year. (Photo: Agrestis)

In Buccheri, the high­est vil­lage in Sicily’s Hyblaean Mountains, mil­lenary olive trees stand out impos­ingly as ances­tral guardians of the ter­ri­tory home to Agrestis.

Our orchards are mainly com­posed of cen­turies-old trees, with sev­eral of them prob­a­bly dat­ing back over a thou­sand years,” said co-owner Pietro Nicotra.

Agrestis was founded in 2003 in the south­east­ern cor­ner of Sicily by Nicotra’s father, Lorenzo, and his friend, Giuseppe Paparone. The com­pany aims to pur­sue qual­ity and high­light the autochtho­nous olive vari­ety Tonda Iblea.

Our goal is not only to pro­duce high-qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oils and olives but also to safe­guard these ancient groves.- Pietro Nicotra, co-owner, Agrestis

Our olive trees are scat­tered on these steep slopes accord­ing to an exten­sive, uneven plant­ing pat­tern,” Nicotra said. In spring, the spac­ings between them become blos­som­ing mead­ows. The organic man­age­ment allows us to keep the groves healthy, thriv­ing and rich in bio­di­ver­sity.”

Once con­sumed pri­mar­ily as a table olive, Tonda Iblea is increas­ingly used to pro­duce award-win­ning extra vir­gin olive oil.

One of these is Agrestis Fiore d’Oro DOP, a mono­va­ri­etal that has won five Gold Awards at the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition, thanks to its com­plex pro­file. Its green tomato, apple, and bal­samic scents melt with notes of fava beans, aspara­gus, cel­ery and basil.

See Also:Producer Profiles

Agrestis was among the first com­pa­nies in the area to carry out an early har­vest,” Nicotra said. Consider that here, in the past, by tra­di­tion, the har­vest started on December 8 [Immaculate Conception Day, a pub­lic hol­i­day in Italy].”

When we were kids, we helped our par­ents to col­lect the olives dur­ing Christmas hol­i­days,” he added. They started har­vest­ing in November, then in October, and now we pick the first fruit in late September.”

Today, Nicotra man­ages the farm with his sis­ter, Julia, father and Salvatore Paparone, son of the company’s co-founder. Julia joined the team two years ago and over­sees the company’s com­mu­ni­ca­tion.


Lorenzo and Pietro Nicotra under an ancient olive tree at Agrestis farm. (Photo: Agrestis)

Julia and I are bilin­gual thanks to our mother, Rosa, who is from Germany, and this prompted me to attend a lin­guis­tic high school,” Nicotra said. Then, I earned a mas­ter’s degree in busi­ness eco­nom­ics while Salvatore stud­ied food sci­ence and tech­nol­ogy. Having dif­fer­ent edu­ca­tional back­grounds, we use our own skills in a spe­cific area of the com­pany.”

A team of field work­ers sup­ports the team all year round. During a good har­vest sea­son, up to 30 peo­ple are employed to col­lect the fruit of 20,000 trees. The groves stretch over 120 hectares, which the com­pany partly owns and partly rents.

We do not know who planted our olive trees,” Nicotra said. I heard a leg­end about the Greeks, who arrived by ships, since the val­ley where the orchards are now located was a nav­i­ga­ble river, found wild olive trees on its banks and domes­ti­cated them. However, this sug­gests that the olive cul­ti­va­tion was spread by the ancient pop­u­la­tions that set­tled in this area.”

Further back, mil­lions of years ago, the Hyblaean Mountains were a sub­ma­rine vol­canic com­plex formed by tec­tonic uplift. This resulted in fer­tile ground, where today, olive trees thrive at an alti­tude between 600 and 700 meters.

The ancient trees’ exten­sive roots can absorb water from deep soil lay­ers, mak­ing them resilient to long peri­ods of drought on the island.

These old olive trees do not need to be irri­gated, and in any case, it is not pos­si­ble to set up an irri­ga­tion sys­tem due to the irreg­u­lar arrange­ment of the old orchards,” Nicotra said. However, lately, they have strug­gled more with the pro­longed water stress.”

Indeed, we had to cope with the effects of cli­mate change, which led to a lower pro­duc­tion for two con­sec­u­tive years,” he added.


The Sicilian farmer said that the most sig­nif­i­cant prob­lems occurred dur­ing the olive flow­er­ing period, gen­er­ally the most del­i­cate phase of the tree’s life cycle.

We quickly passed from frigid win­ter tem­per­a­tures to extreme heat and mug­gi­ness, like there was no spring,” Nicotra said. Here in the moun­tains, we have humid nights with frost, and if the morn­ing tem­per­a­ture reaches 28 ºC to 30 ºC, it eas­ily burns the flow­ers, which hap­pened last year.”

Furthermore, Nicotra said that due to its vari­etal char­ac­ter­is­tics, Tonda Iblea needs ideal cli­matic con­di­tions for good pol­li­na­tion. To facil­i­tate this process, the ancient peas­ants planted pol­li­nat­ing vari­eties beside it, such as Biancolilla, Nocellara and the locally called Oliva Lunga, which Agrestis now uses to cre­ate blends.


Lorenzo Nicotra using a rastrello, or handrake, to harvest olives. (Photo: Agrestis)

The com­pany relies on a mill in the nearby city of Ragusa to trans­form the fruits within hours of pick­ing them. The mil­l’s cut­ting-edge machin­ery allows for opti­mal extrac­tion of the six extra vir­gin olive oils Agrestis pro­duces. A few of these are cer­ti­fied with the Monti Iblei Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and the Sicilia Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).

Due to the drop in pro­duc­tion, the last har­vest required fewer work­ers and con­cluded ear­lier,” Nicotra said. In early December, we picked the last fruits to be processed for the table olives. In the sum­mer, we mon­i­tor all the plants, and based on how much fruit they bear, we decide which ones to set aside for this pur­pose.”

In addi­tion to pro­cess­ing olives in brine, the com­pany has revived an ancient dry salt­ing method called Passuluna.’ This method involves putting the fruits in bar­rels with salt and con­tin­u­ously turn­ing them for a month. The result is an intensely fla­vored prod­uct.

Our goal is not only to pro­duce high-qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oils and olives but also to safe­guard these ancient groves and their ter­ri­tory,” Nicotra said. Let me say that our busi­ness is a mat­ter of pre­serv­ing this land.”

He explained that in the past, each fam­ily in this small moun­tain vil­lage looked after its own orchard, but nowa­days, many plots have been aban­doned due to the lack of gen­er­a­tional change. Since its estab­lish­ment, the com­pany has rented or pur­chased aban­doned and semi-aban­doned orchards to revive them.

With our work, we keep the orchards clean, pre­vent­ing wild­fires and reduc­ing hydro­ge­o­log­i­cal risks,” Nicotra said. In the sum­mer, when the tem­per­a­ture is very high, a wild­fire may spread eas­ier if fields are filled with over­grown grass and bushes, and a small blaze can destroy an olive tree that has been there for cen­turies in a moment.”


Keeping the grass mown and removing pruning debris helps prevent brush from accumulating and potentially fueling fires. (Photo: Agrestis)

Then, when the land is burned, and plants are no longer sup­port­ing it with their roots, mud­slides can eas­ily occur after tor­ren­tial rain,” he added. It is well estab­lished that this sit­u­a­tion is exac­er­bated by cli­mate change. Our goal is to carry out sus­tain­able olive farm­ing, which, based on sci­en­tific evi­dence, helps tackle it.”

When the team recov­ers an olive grove, neglected plants are usu­ally sub­jected to reform prun­ing, which involves cut­ting off the main branches. This implies a wait­ing period of sev­eral years before new shoots start sprout­ing and the olive trees pro­duce fruits again.

Working on this slop­ing land requires more effort and dri­ves up pro­duc­tion costs,” Nicotra said. This adds to the cli­mate issues we are fac­ing and the con­se­quent drop in pro­duc­tion in the last few years. And yet, this doesn’t stop us from advanc­ing on our path and improv­ing our­selves, striv­ing to do our best even in this dif­fi­cult period for olive farm­ing.”

He men­tioned the com­ments of some vis­i­tors impressed by his team’s tenac­ity in work­ing while pur­su­ing qual­ity in such a chal­leng­ing con­text.

Some time ago, at the end of a field visit, an expe­ri­enced agron­o­mist told me that we should be paid to con­tinue work­ing here’ since, in his opin­ion, it is not eco­nom­i­cally fea­si­ble,” Nicotra said. He called us crazy, as he won­dered how we could cul­ti­vate these plots and still be a flour­ish­ing com­pany.”

And still we con­tinue, with pas­sion and com­mit­ment, to make this work, which is giv­ing us so many sat­is­fac­tions,” he con­cluded. Our prod­ucts are widely appre­ci­ated, and our cus­tomers know that the qual­ity we offer goes hand in hand with our com­mit­ment to pro­tect­ing these ancient olive trees and their envi­ron­ment, which are a true her­itage of all.”

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