`Italian Olive Oil Producer Plans New U.S. Facility - Olive Oil Times
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Italian Olive Oil Producer Plans New U.S. Facility

By Daniel Dawson
Mar. 31, 2022 13:51 UTC

Certified Origins will invest $25 mil­lion to estab­lish its first United States pro­duc­tion facil­ity in Virginia, accord­ing to Glenn Youngkin, the state’s gov­er­nor.

The facil­ity will cre­ate 30 new jobs and include olive oil blend­ing, bot­tling, pack­ag­ing and dis­tri­b­u­tion oper­a­tions.

Nacho Nuez, the company’s man­ag­ing direc­tor, said Certified Origins selected the port city of Newport News, Virginia, to host its first U.S. pro­duc­tion cen­ter because of its cen­tral loca­tion, state-of-the-art” port facil­i­ties and highly-edu­cated work­force.

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Local and state offi­cials all said they were excited to host the Tuscany-based com­pany, which sources and blends extra vir­gin olive oil from Greece, Italy and Spain to pro­duce the Bellucci brand of olive oil and other pri­vate label brands.

We are excited that Certified Origins has cho­sen Newport News as the loca­tion to build their first American pro­duc­tion facil­ity,” said T. Montgomery Mason, a state sen­a­tor. The penin­sula is an attrac­tive place for both eco­nomic devel­op­ment and busi­ness expan­sion with our prox­im­ity to the Port of Virginia mak­ing the region an ideal spot for imports and exports.”

Certified Origins has made a name for them­selves by devel­op­ing high-qual­ity, authen­tic, and trace­able olive oil and I am eager to wel­come their brand to our com­mu­nity,” he added.

In 2018, the com­pany announced that it would be work­ing with Oracle, the world’s sec­ond-largest soft­ware firm, to enhance its sup­ply chain trace­abil­ity.

Using Oracle’s blockchain, the tech­nol­ogy that under­pins cryp­tocur­ren­cies and other dig­i­tal assets, Certified Origins said con­sumers could track the olives from the groves to the mill and the result­ing oil from the mill to the bot­tling facil­ity and ulti­mately to the super­mar­ket shelves.

It adds a fur­ther level of trans­parency and infor­ma­tion that is valu­able for con­sumers look­ing for qual­ity prod­ucts and helps us sup­port the excel­lence of small farms,” Andrea Biagianti, Certified Origins’ chief infor­ma­tion offi­cer, said at the time.


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