`European Commission Will Allow Self-Storage - Olive Oil Times
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European Commission Will Allow Self-Storage

By Daniel Dawson
Oct. 15, 2019 13:14 UTC

The European Commission will present its plan to begin allow­ing the pri­vate stor­age of olive oil in Spain imme­di­ately,” ABC reports.

Phil Hogan, the out­go­ing European com­mis­sioner of agri­cul­ture, made the announce­ment at a meet­ing of the European Union’s 28 heads of agri­cul­ture at a sum­mit in Luxemburg.

My ser­vices have care­fully ana­lyzed the events,” Hogan said. Our con­clu­sion is that a pri­vate stor­age scheme is the best instru­ment to give impor­tant sup­port to the sec­tor.”

The hope is that olive oil prices, which dropped to his­tor­i­cally low lev­els in March, will sta­bi­lize as a result of the rule change.

Being able to store olive oil pri­vately will allow pro­duc­ers to alle­vi­ate the glut of olive oil cur­rently on the mar­ket, which has been par­tially attrib­uted to the price decreases.

Luis Planas, Spain’s min­is­ter of agri­cul­ture, food and fish­eries, applauded the announce­ment as mag­nif­i­cent news” and said that the mea­sures must be passed quickly in order to help strug­gling farm­ers and pro­duc­ers.

It rep­re­sents a recog­ni­tion of the seri­ous sit­u­a­tion fac­ing the olive oil sec­tor in Spain,” he said. We need a quick inter­ven­tion to try to cor­rect this sit­u­a­tion.”


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