`Greece's Early Harvest Olive Oils - Olive Oil Times
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Greece's Early Harvest Olive Oils

By Lisa Radinovsky
Oct. 14, 2015 10:20 UTC

Early harĀ­vest extra virĀ­gin olive oils can be more expenĀ­sive and hard to find than other extra virĀ­gin oils since unripe olives proĀ­duce less oil and need to be picked right from the trees. Even so, more are findĀ­ing their bitĀ­ter taste, extra low acidĀ­ity, and higher antioxĀ­iĀ­dant conĀ­tent worth the money.

According to Agronewsā€™ Alexander Bikas, early harĀ­vest olive oil costs at least one euro more than conĀ­venĀ­tional olive oil. Bikas wrote that the aucĀ­tions of the Agricultural Cooperative of the Holy Apostles in Laconia, Greece, which saw the sale of oils proĀ­duced from Athinoelia and Messinia Koroneiki olives this month to the Italian comĀ­pany Alta Marena for ā‚¬4.60 per kiloĀ­gram, ā€‹ā€œrepĀ­reĀ­sent a baromĀ­eĀ­ter of olive oil prices in Greece,ā€ which leads him to expect Greek EVOO proĀ­duced later in the seaĀ­son to go for around ā‚¬3.60.

Bikas also noted that very limĀ­ited quanĀ­tiĀ­ties of olive oil were proĀ­duced from unripe fruit in Greece last year. However, he emphaĀ­sized that its high polypheĀ­nol conĀ­tent appeals to ā€‹ā€œdemandĀ­ing forĀ­eign marĀ­kets for both pharĀ­maĀ­ceuĀ­tiĀ­cal use and ā€‹ā€œthe gourmet restauĀ­rants of Italy, the USA and England.ā€

An authenĀ­tic early harĀ­vest olive oil needs very highly skilled peoĀ­ple and carĀ­ries the pasĀ­sion of those peoĀ­ple and the charĀ­acĀ­terĀ­isĀ­tics of the region- Emmanouil Karpadakis, Terra Creta

Argyris Bouras, owner of Eleones Hellenic Olive Products, told Olive Oil Times that he does not believe early harĀ­vest olive oils are popĀ­uĀ­lar in Greek stores, although Italians like to use early harĀ­vest Greek oils to ā€‹ā€œblend and upgrade low grade olive oils.ā€ On the other hand, many farmĀ­ers might simĀ­ply keep the first oil of the seaĀ­son for their own famĀ­ily and friends leavĀ­ing litĀ­tle availĀ­able for the marĀ­ketĀ­place.

Nevertheless, Agronews lists sevĀ­eral advanĀ­tages to pressĀ­ing unripe olives: gathĀ­erĀ­ing fruit early gives the trees a break that leads to high returns every year; harĀ­vestĀ­ing early reduces the chance of damĀ­age to olives from frost, hail and simĀ­iĀ­lar weather probĀ­lems, thus reducĀ­ing farmĀ­ersā€™ risks; and the excelĀ­lent nutriĀ­tional value of early harĀ­vest olive oil is acknowlĀ­edged worldĀ­wide, which makes it a ā€‹ā€œsuper-weaponā€ for olive oil farmĀ­ers and proĀ­ducĀ­ers.

The higher chloroĀ­phyll conĀ­tent in unripe olives makes the early harĀ­vest oil, called ā€‹ā€œagoureĀ­lioā€ in Greek, greener and richer in healthy polypheĀ­nols. According to the abstract of a recent study, ā€‹ā€œthere is a posĀ­iĀ­tive corĀ­reĀ­laĀ­tion of a high level of oleoĀ­canĀ­thal and oleaĀ­cein in olive oils with the early time of harĀ­vest.ā€

To proĀ­mote local agriĀ­culĀ­tural prodĀ­ucts, the Regional Unit of Halkidiki in northĀ­ern Greece comĀ­misĀ­sioned an analyĀ­sis of 32 samĀ­ples from the Halkidiki early olive oil harĀ­vest of 2014ā€‰ā€“ā€‰15 by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products. The results of the study, which used the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) method develĀ­oped by Dr. Prokopios Magiatis, were said to prove the high nutriĀ­tional value of Halkidiki early harĀ­vest olive oil comĀ­pared with other Greek and forĀ­eign extra virĀ­gin olive oils, given its richĀ­ness in oleoĀ­canĀ­thal and oleaĀ­cein.

The averĀ­age polypheĀ­nol conĀ­tent in the samĀ­ples from Halkidiki was 495ā€Æmg/kg, comĀ­pared with an interĀ­naĀ­tional averĀ­age of 330ā€Æmg/kg. Yanniā€™s Limited PDO Halkidiki Early Harvest boasted the highĀ­est level: 1026ā€Æmg/kg.

Since 2013, some of the oil that meets the approĀ­priĀ­ate high qualĀ­ity and proĀ­ducĀ­tion requireĀ­ments, includĀ­ing milling by October 15, has been disĀ­tinĀ­guished by PDO staĀ­tus as ā€‹ā€œAgoureleo Chalkidikis.ā€ The polypheĀ­nols idenĀ­tiĀ­fied in the Halkidiki early harĀ­vest oils have been credĀ­ited with sigĀ­nifĀ­iĀ­cant anti-inflamĀ­maĀ­tory, antioxĀ­iĀ­dant, carĀ­dioĀ­proĀ­tecĀ­tive and neuĀ­roĀ­proĀ­tecĀ­tive propĀ­erĀ­ties.

Early harĀ­vest olive oils outĀ­side Halkidiki have also shown the high polypheĀ­nol conĀ­tent assoĀ­ciĀ­ated with health benĀ­eĀ­fits. For examĀ­ple, a test of the Governor brandā€™s unfilĀ­tered EVOO using the NMR method showed ā€‹ā€œthe highĀ­est levĀ­els of pheĀ­noĀ­lic comĀ­pounds ever recorded in Greece,ā€ 1141ā€Æmg/kg, accordĀ­ing to the companyā€™s webĀ­site. George Dafnis, co-owner of Olive Fabrica, which proĀ­duces this oil, told Olive Oil Times the early harĀ­vest of the Lianolia olives in Corfu begins in mid-October each year.

ā€œEarly harĀ­vestā€ can refer to difĀ­ferĀ­ent harĀ­vest times in difĀ­ferĀ­ent parts of Greece, given variĀ­aĀ­tions in cliĀ­mate, olive variĀ­ety, and eleĀ­vaĀ­tion. Argyris Bouras explained that the first olive oil of the year comes from Halkidiki, which is more famous for Greeceā€™s largest table olives, the green Hondrolia. Eleones Early Harvest is proĀ­duced in limĀ­ited quanĀ­tiĀ­ties from olives handĀ­picked beginĀ­ning as early as mid-September, pressed the same day, and botĀ­tled in Halkidiki. According to Bouras, Eleones Early Harvest (acidĀ­ity 0.17) has a shelf life of up to 18 months, rather than the usual 9ā€‰ā€“ā€‰10 months for many early harĀ­vest oils, because the high levĀ­els of antioxĀ­iĀ­dants of Halkidiki delay oxiĀ­daĀ­tion.

It is posĀ­siĀ­ble to find early harĀ­vest Greek extra virĀ­gin olive oils proĀ­duced as late as early November, such as Militsa Limited Release Early Harvest EVOO or Esti Early Harvest, which won a Gold Award at the 2014 NYIOOC. These are both made from Koroneiki olives hand-harĀ­vested in the southĀ­ern Peloponnese.

However, mid October is a more comĀ­mon time for early harĀ­vest olive oil proĀ­ducĀ­tion in most of Greece. For examĀ­ple, the Olive Tableā€™s Organic Early Harvest Single Estate EVOO origĀ­iĀ­nates in famĀ­ily-owned Koroneiki olive groves in the mounĀ­tain vilĀ­lage of Christianoupolis in Messenia, slightly northĀ­west of Militsa, where the unripe olives are handĀ­picked startĀ­ing in the secĀ­ond or third week of October and crushed within hours of harĀ­vestĀ­ing.

Within the next few weeks, Terra Creta in Kolymvari, Crete will begin offerĀ­ing its first early harĀ­vest extra virĀ­gin, with just 4,000 botĀ­tles of spicy EVOO proĀ­duced from Koroneiki olives harĀ­vested in mid-October. Marketing Manager Emmanouil Karpadakis emphaĀ­sized that ā€‹ā€œa speĀ­cialĀ­ized group of proĀ­fesĀ­sional farmĀ­ersā€ with ā€‹ā€œsciĀ­enĀ­tific supĀ­portā€ will bring the olives to the mill only a few hours from harĀ­vestĀ­ing. ā€‹ā€œAn authenĀ­tic early harĀ­vest olive oil needs very highly skilled peoĀ­ple and carĀ­ries the pasĀ­sion of those peoĀ­ple and the charĀ­acĀ­terĀ­isĀ­tics of the region,ā€ he said.


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