`Why Deoleo Chose 'Tetra Prisma' Packaging for its Koipe Brand - Olive Oil Times
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Why Deoleo Chose 'Tetra Prisma' Packaging for its Koipe Brand

By Julie Butler
May. 5, 2014 16:14 UTC

Deoleo’s Koipe brand will soon be the lat­est to offer an olive oil prod­uct in a Tetra Prisma® pack.

Already pop­u­lar for milk and fruit juices and even used for some wines, one of their ben­e­fits for olive oil pack­ag­ing is also one of their draw­backs – they’re not trans­par­ent.

An alter­na­tive to the tra­di­tional tins and now more com­mon glass and plas­tic bot­tles, Tetra Pak says con­sumers like the car­tons because they are easy to grip, open and pour and have an ele­gant appear­ance. Benefits for sell­ers are said to include that they allow high qual­ity print­ing, and their 8‑sided shape helps them stand out on a shelf. Promoted as made of renew­able mate­ri­als and recy­clable paper­board, they come in vol­umes of 125 – 1000ml.

Packs block light, air”

Córdoba-based olive oil pro­ducer ArteOliva, which claims to have been a pio­neer in using Tetra Brik and Tetra Prisma packs for olive oil, says it is the pack­ag­ing that bet­ter pro­tects the nutri­tional and organolep­tic char­ac­ter­is­tics of extra vir­gin olive oil on a daily basis,” for rea­sons includ­ing block­ing the pas­sage of light and air, which join heat in mak­ing olive oil dete­ri­o­rate.

Now Koipe – along with the slo­gan Así de fácil”, sim­i­lar to It’s that easy” in English – is ready­ing to reveal a new image on Tetra Prisma pack­ag­ing for its extra vir­gin, suave (light taste) and sabor (strong taste) olive oils. Aimed at mak­ing life eas­ier”, the redesign fea­tures Tetra Prisma packs because they are eas­ier to use and store, have an anti-drip sys­tem, are resis­tant to knocks, and offer bet­ter preser­va­tion of the oil, the com­pany web­site says.

Some peo­ple pre­fer to see their oil

But will con­sumers take to them? George Eliadis, man­ag­ing direc­tor of the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Peza, on Crete, recently told Food Production Daily that his com­pany has pro­duced olive oil in car­tons for ten years but finds glass bot­tles are still more pop­u­lar. Customers say they pre­fer to be able to see the olive oil but car­tons are cheaper, don’t break, aren’t heavy and keep oil fresher longer because light can’t get in, he said, adding that invest­ment is needed to help shift the mar­ket to such pack­ag­ing.

Adapt pack­ag­ing to con­sumer per­cep­tion and tra­di­tion

Leandro Ravetti, tech­ni­cal direc­tor at Boundary Bend Ltd,. Australia’s largest olive oil pro­ducer and mar­keter, recently stressed the impor­tance of choos­ing pack­ag­ing accord­ing to how fast or slow prod­uct rota­tion is likely to be, and con­sumer per­cep­tion and tra­di­tion. In his pre­sen­ta­tion at last month’s New York International Olive Oil Competition, Ravetti shared an exam­ple of clear glass out­selling green glass 20 to 1 in his native Argentina twenty years ago – because con­sumers wanted to see what they were buy­ing – while today in Australia it’s the oppo­site because there is more aware­ness of light degrad­ing olive oil. As another exam­ple of respond­ing to feed­back, con­sumers had said they didn’t like how the oil ran over the label so Boundary Bend searched until it found a bet­ter pourer, he said.

When it comes to tin pack­ag­ing, not all tins are equal” and bet­ter tins nat­u­rally cost more. The den­sity of tin plates, and the uni­for­mity, varies, and any thin­ner parts will be where rust­ing could start. With plas­tic bot­tles, oxy­gen pen­e­tra­tion through con­tainer walls also varies – high per­me­abil­ity is linked to unde­sir­able increases in an olive oil’s per­ox­ide value, mean­ing shorter shelf life – though some con­tain­ers come with oxy­gen scav­engers or phys­i­cal bar­ri­ers, such as a film. The pack­ag­ing mate­r­ial can have a sig­nif­i­cant impact on the qual­ity of the oil,” Ravetti said.


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