`Australia's Modern Olives Helps Growers Find the Best Time to Harvest - Olive Oil Times
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Australia's Modern Olives Helps Growers Find the Best Time to Harvest

By Penelope Barker
Dec. 7, 2010 08:08 UTC

By Penelope Barker
Olive Oil Times Contributor | Reporting from Sydney

Modern Olives Laboratory Services, based in Lara, Victoria, is the largest spe­cial­ist olive nurs­ery and lead­ing advi­sory com­pany to the Australian olive indus­try, cov­er­ing all aspects related to project devel­op­ment, tech­ni­cal advice and applied research. The com­pany recently announced that it has suc­cess­fully main­tained its accred­i­ta­tion with the most pres­ti­gious and chal­leng­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­grams in the world.

These pro­grams include ISO 17025 cer­ti­fied by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA), International Olive Council (IOC) recog­ni­tion, American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) Proficiency Program for olive oil and the Australian Olive Association (AOA) approved lab­o­ra­tory for its Code of Practice.

Says Claudia Guillaume, Laboratory Manager, The entire lab­o­ra­tory team was very excited to receive these accred­i­ta­tions for their com­pli­ance with their qual­ity pro­grams. This achieve­ment not only pro­vides inter­na­tional recog­ni­tion to our lab­o­ra­tory but also con­firms that it is per­fectly pos­si­ble to pro­vide pro­fi­cient and prompt results with­out com­pro­mis­ing pre­ci­sion and accu­racy. We are very proud our cus­tomer base has dou­bled every year since our estab­lish­ment, con­firm­ing that our tech­ni­cal capa­bil­i­ties and cus­tomer ser­vice are highly regarded by the olive oil indus­try.”

The estab­lish­ment of our state-of-the-art olive oil lab­o­ra­tory in 2006 was an impor­tant step in our endeav­our to offer the best pos­si­ble tech­ni­cal advice,” adds Leandro Ravetti, Technical Director of Modern Olives. Our objec­tive is not only to pro­vide com­plete and cer­ti­fied ana­lyt­i­cal results, but also to work together with grow­ers and asso­ci­a­tions in applied research projects try­ing to solve their spe­cific needs with an inte­grated approach.”

Among its many test­ing ser­vices, Modern Olives has devel­oped a ser­vice to help Australian olive grow­ers quickly and accu­rately deter­mine when the opti­mal time to har­vest is. Growers can send 250 grams of fruit to the lab­o­ra­tory and, using infra red tech­nol­ogy, lab­o­ra­tory staff can instantly deter­mine the per­cent­age of oil and mois­ture in the olives and deter­mine whether the fruit is ready to har­vest for max­i­mum yield.

Modern Olives Laboratory Services is cur­rently con­duct­ing lead­ing research in a num­ber of areas of oil chem­istry such as the phe­no­lic pro­file of olive oil, new ana­lyt­i­cal meth­ods to eval­u­ate olive oil authen­tic­ity and qual­ity, a sterol pro­file of olive oil and exten­sive super­mar­ket stud­ies.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion on Modern Olives and its lab­o­ra­tory ser­vices, visit modernolives.com.au.


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