`Freshness A Key Ingredient for Pasolivo - Olive Oil Times
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Freshness A Key Ingredient for Pasolivo

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Aug. 22, 2014 09:09 UTC

Pasolivo olive oil stood out from the crowd this past week­end at the 11th Downtown Main Street Association’s Olive Festival in Paso Robles, California, and it’s no won­der. The local com­pa­ny’s California Blend” recently won a Gold Award at the esteemed New York International Olive Oil Competition. The fam­ily-run com­pany attrib­utes the brand’s suc­cess to mak­ing California Olive Oil Council (COOC) cer­ti­fi­ca­tion a top pri­or­ity.

The COOC stan­dards are strin­gent, but worth it, accord­ing to Pasolivo. Strict har­vest rules present an ini­tial cri­te­ria for accep­tance, but the real test is mea­sured in the lab­o­ra­tory and by a panel of cer­ti­fied tasters. Pasolivo’s gen­eral man­ager, Cheryl Wieczorek, recently told The Tribune, People are really becom­ing con­cerned about where their food comes from; we’re encour­ag­ing (olive oil pro­duc­ers) to join the COOC. It really pro­tects the con­sumer.”

So what earns Pasolivo the all-mighty stamp of approval? It’s in the fresh­ness. With 6,000 olive trees and their own on-site mill, the hand­picked, organ­i­cally-grown fruit doesn’t have to travel far for pro­duc­tion. The olives are processed no more than three hours after har­vest­ing.

To craft their unique blends Pasolivo har­vests twelve vari­eties of olives, includ­ing Frantoio, Leccino, Pendolino, Lucca, Moraiolo, Mission, Manzanillo, Sevillano and Ascolano. Specialty oils infused with basil, lemon, lime, tan­ger­ine and rose­mary have become pop­u­lar with domes­tic con­sumers.


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