`Greek Salad Sandwich - Olive Oil Times
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Greek Salad Sandwich

The iconic Greek Salad has gone through a little sandwich makeover! The same delicious ingredients (ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, zesty feta cheese, red onion, and piquant pepperoncinis) are joined by well seasoned mashed chickpeas and Greek yogurt.
Greek Salad Sandwich
By Patterson Watkins
Jul. 29, 2021 11:41 UTC

Greek salad (or hori­atiki salad) is a pop­u­lar salad in Greek cui­sine, usu­ally adorn­ing the table at all din­ing hours of the day. This sand­wich ver­sion uses all of the ingre­di­ents com­monly found in a Greek salad, as well as a few addi­tional Mediterranean-themed top­pers for added flare.

The chick­peas mash is a sim­ple com­bi­na­tion of canned chick­peas, robust olive oil, dill, gar­lic, salt, and pep­per. This mash makes up the base of the sand­wich, fol­lowed by top­pings of cucum­ber, tomato, pep­pers, feta cheese crum­bles, Greek yogurt, and a hearty fin­ish­ing driz­zle of extra vir­gin olive oil. 


Greek Salad Sandwich

Course: Main, SandwichCuisine: GreekDifficulty: Easy


Prep time



The chick­peas salad can be made a day or two before you’re plan­ning on assem­bling these sand­wiches. We love a sliced rus­tic, hearty bread for this recipe but feel free to go super authen­tic and use pita instead. 


  • Chickpea Salad
  • 15oz15oz can chick­peas, drained and rinsed 

  • 2table­spoonsmedium to robust extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1/2tea­spoonfresh dill, chopped

  • 1/2 tea­spoondried minced gar­lic

  • 1/2tea­spoonsalt

  • 1pinch cracked black pep­per

  • Sandwich
  • 8eachrus­tic bread slices, toasted

  • 1cupcucum­ber, thinly sliced

  • 1eachlarge tomato, sliced

  • 1/2 cupred onion, peeled and thinly sliced

  • 1/4cuppep­per­oncini or banana pep­pers, sliced

  • 1/2cupplain greek yogurt

  • 1/4cupfeta cheese crum­bles

  • 4table­spoons medium to robust extra vir­gin olive oil


  • In a large bowl, place chick­peas, olive oil, dill, gar­lic, salt, and pep­per. Using a potato masher, mash the chick­peas until slightly chunky but spread­able.
  • Spread chick­pea salad over half of the bread slices and top with cucum­bers, toma­toes, onion, and pep­per­oncini. Spoon yogurt over the veg­gies and sprin­kle with feta cheese. Drizzle with olive oil before cap­ping the sand­wiches with the remain­ing bread slices and serv­ing. 

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