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Homemade Olive Oil Flour Tortillas

Extra virgin olive oil, used not only in the tortilla dough but also for cooking the tortillas, imparts flavor and function.
Homemade Olive Oil Flour Tortillas
By Patterson Watkins
Apr. 18, 2023 18:44 UTC

Flour tor­tillas are a really fun and tasty thing to make at home. Simple ingre­di­ents yield sur­pris­ingly deli­cious results, per­fect for bur­ri­tos, tacos, and nachos.

Extra vir­gin olive oil, used not only in the tor­tilla dough but also for cook­ing the tor­tillas, imparts fla­vor and func­tion. Fats are nec­es­sary for main­tain­ing mois­ture and struc­ture in baked goods, espe­cially flat­breads. Olive oil achieves these goals while also impart­ing good-for-you fats, giv­ing these tor­tillas a health­ier advan­tage over the store-bought options


Homemade Olive Oil Flour Tortillas

Course: Sides, BreadsCuisine: MexicanDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



These tor­tillas are best if made fresh and eaten the day of. Being that our home­made recipe doesn’t include the preser­v­a­tives that are present in store-bought tor­tillas, they are at risk of get­ting stale faster. 


  • 2cupsall-pur­pose flour

  • 1/2teap­soonsalt

  • 3/4cupwater

  • 3 table­spoonsmild-inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil (plus addi­tional for cook­ing the tor­tillas) 


  • Place flour and salt in a large bowl, and stir to com­bine. Add water and olive oil to the bowl and stir to com­bine, cre­at­ing a shaggy’ dough.
  • Turn the dough onto a lightly floured sur­face and knead for 5 – 10 min­utes or until the dough is smooth.
  • Portion the dough into eight even pieces. Working with one piece at a time, roll the dough into thin flat cir­cles. Place a lightly greased piece of parch­ment (or wax paper) on top of the tor­tilla, and repeat for the remain­ing dough, cre­at­ing a lit­tle secure, non-stick stack.
  • Heat about one tea­spoon of olive oil in a large skil­let over medium-high heat. Once the oil is hot, care­fully add a tor­tilla (work­ing with just one tor­tilla at a time), and cook for about 1 minute per side or until the tor­tilla is cooked through (the tor­tilla will begin to puff up).
  • Remove the tor­tilla from the skil­let and repeat this process for the remain­der.

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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