`Olive Oil Pomodoro Toasts with Burrata - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil Pomodoro Toasts with Burrata

When it’s peak tomato season, you need a dish that highlight these summery staples. This recipe is an easy meal fix, perfect for a light lunch or pre-dinner appetizer. Crispy, juicy, creamy and savory… an ode to the tomato.
Olive Oil Pomodoro Toasts with Burrata
Olive Oil Pomodoro Toasts with Burrata
By Patterson Watkins
Sep. 3, 2020 15:36 UTC

Pomodoro lit­er­ally trans­lates to golden apple’ which prob­a­bly has lin­guis­tic roots in the dis­cov­ery and fur­ther fas­ci­na­tion of the Italian peo­ple with the tomato… a glo­ri­ous (worth its weight in) gold, round & deli­cious fruit. To cel­e­brate the tomato, sim­plic­ity is all that’s needed. Good bread, creamy moz­zarella and a top-qual­ity EVOO. We rec­om­mend a high-qual­ity medium to robust extra vir­gin olive oil. Tomatoes and moz­zarella are the per­fect pair­ing for a fla­vor-packed olive oil. 


Olive Oil Pomodoro Toasts with Burrata

Course: Lunch, AppetizersCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Thick sliced rus­tic Italian bread is sub­stan­tially driz­zled with top qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil. The slices are heartily sea­soned with oodles of thinly sliced gar­lic before being baked crisp. Copious amounts of sea­sonal heir­loom toma­toes, along with gooey bur­rata, are stuffed on top. Followed by another healthy driz­zle of EVOO, fresh basil, salt and cracked black pep­per. 


  • 4thick slicesrus­tic Italian bread

  • 4table­spoons medium-robust inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil (plus extra for driz­zling)

  • 2eachgar­lic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced

  • 2 – 3eachheir­loom toma­toes, cut into slices or wedges

  • 1 each large bur­rata cheese ball (or 2 smaller balls), quar­tered or split

  • 1table­spoonfresh basil, roughly chopped

  • 1 tea­spooncoarse salt

  • 1pinchcracked black pep­per


  • Preheat oven to 425°F. Place bread slices on a bak­ing sheet and coat each (both sides) with olive oil (about 1 table­spoon per slice).
  • Sprinkle with gar­lic slices and, using your hands, gen­tly rub the gar­lic into the bread. 
  • Bake the bread slices until toasted and slightly crispy around the edges, about 5 – 6 min­utes.
  • Top toasts with toma­toes and cheese. Season with a lit­tle fresh basil, salt and pep­per before serv­ing.

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