`'Pan con Tomate' with Olive Oil Fried Eggs - Olive Oil Times
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'Pan con Tomate' with Olive Oil Fried Eggs

This very simple recipe can be enjoyed any time during the day. Vine ripened tomatoes are grated then spread over toasted baguette before being topped with EVOO-fried eggs and served with a fresh, lightly dressed salad.
Spanish Tomato Bread (Pan con Tomate) with Olive Oil Fried Eggs
Spanish Tomato Bread (Pan con Tomate) with Olive Oil Fried Eggs
By Patterson Watkins
Sep. 14, 2020 09:26 UTC

Pan con Tomate is a sta­ple through­out Spain. Served in tapas bars and cafes through­out the coun­try. Traditionally the toma­toes are rubbed into the bread, we wanted to max­i­mize the tomato fla­vor by grat­ing and spoon­ing them over the toasts.

A healthy driz­zle of extra vir­gin olive oil (mod­er­ate-robust inten­sity) and gar­lic ele­vate the baguette toasts. Rounding out the meal, some fried eggs and a salad sim­ply dressed with a lit­tle sherry vine­gar and (even more) olive oil.


Spanish Tomato Bread (Pan con Tomate) with Olive Oil Fried Eggs

Course: MainCuisine: SpanishDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



For a lit­tle prep ahead hack, grate your toma­toes a day or two before you plan on mak­ing this dish. If manchego cheese is hard to find, shave a lit­tle pecorino romano or parmi­giana instead. 


  • 1eachbaguette, quar­tered and split

  • 1eachgar­lic clove, peeled and minced

  • 1/3cupmedium-robust inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil (plus addi­tional for fry­ing the eggs and dress­ing the salad)

  • 2eachlarge beef­steak toma­toes

  • 1tea­spoonsalt

  • pinchcracked black pep­per

  • 4 – 8eacheggs

  • 5ozsalad greens (arugula or spring mix)

  • 1/4cupmanchego cheese, shaved

  • lemon wedges for gar­nish


  • Preheat oven to broil on low (or pre­heat a toaster oven). Rub gar­lic over the exposed slices of baguette and driz­zle gen­er­ously with EVOO.
    Toast bread for 2 – 3 min­utes or until golden brown around the edges and slightly crisp
  • While the bread is toast­ing, cut toma­toes and half. Using a box grater posi­tioned over a large bowl, grate the toma­toes and dis­card the stems. Season the tomato mash with salt and pep­per. 
  • Once the bread is toasted, top the toasts in the tomato mix­ture. Return to the oven and toast, again, for 1 – 2 min­utes (just until the tomato top­ping is hot).
  • Heat a large non-stick skil­let over medium-high heat and cook eggs to desired done­ness.
  • Place salad greens in a large bowl and toss with a lit­tle sherry vine­gar and olive oil. 
  • To serve, divide bread, eggs and salad between plates and sprin­kle with a lit­tle shaved manchego cheese.

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