`Pizza al Taglio (Pizza by the Slice) - Olive Oil Times
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Pizza al Taglio (Pizza by the Slice)

Pizza al Taglio is the staple, quintessential, quick-bite grub in Rome. Puffy, focaccia-like crust is topped with all manner of toppings, from the traditional to the unusual. This recipe highlights 3 of our favorite topping combinations; Margarita, Mortadella & Fig, and Potato, Onion & Gorgonzola.
Pizza al Taglio (Roman-style Pizza by the Slice)
Pizza al Taglio (Roman-style Pizza by the Slice)
By Patterson Watkins
Sep. 3, 2020 15:29 UTC

Pizza shops all through­out the city of Rome show­case their goods in glo­ri­ous splen­dor. Trays upon trays of rec­tan­gu­lar piz­zas, topped with every imag­in­able ingre­di­ent. Busy work-a-day folks pop in to the shops, pick their slice and are on their way, nosh­ing as they go. 


Pizza al Taglio (Pizza by the Slice)

Course: Lunch, DinnerCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



We short cut” the clas­sic recipe using pre-made focac­cia bread (we have a really tasty focac­cia recipe avail­able here), split and driz­zled with mod­er­ately intense EVOO (the best extra vir­gin olive oil for a vari­ety of fla­vors). The top­pings are a lit­tle sam­pling of the diver­sity of fla­vors avail­able on offer in Italy, but equally tasty. Simply top each focac­cia por­tion with the listed ingre­di­ents and bake… from oven to plate in under 25 min­utes.


  • 1eachsheet focac­cia bread, cut in to thirds and thin in half (as if you are mak­ing a sand­wich)

  • 1/4cupmedium-robust inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • Margarita Topping
  • 1eachlarge tomato, grated (dis­card peels) 

  • 1eachgar­lic clove, peeled and minced

  • 1pinchsalt

  • 1pinchcracked black pep­per

  • 1each large ball of fresh moz­zarella (1/2 cup moz­zarella shreds)

  • 1 – 2table­spoonsfresh basil, chopped

  • Creamy Mortadella & Fig Topping
  • 1/2cupmas­car­pone cheese (or top qual­ity cream cheese), soft­ened

  • 3table­spoonspecorino romano cheese, grated

  • 5 – 6eachmor­tadella, thinly sliced

  • 1table­spoonpis­ta­chios, crushed

  • 1table­spoonfresh basil, chopped

  • 1table­spoonmedium-robust inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • Potato, Onion & Gorgonzola Topping
  • 3/4cupcaramelized onions

  • 1 – 2each yel­low pota­toes, thinly sliced

  • 1/4 cupgor­gonzola cheese crum­bles

  • 2tea­spoonsfresh rose­mary, chopped

  • 2table­spoonsmedium-robust inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1/4tea­spoonsalt

  • 1pinchcracked black pep­per


  • Preheat oven to 400°F. 
    Place prepped focac­cia bread on bak­ing sheets, cut side up, and driz­zle with oil. Top and layer each with desired top­pings.
  • Margarita: Spoon grated tomato over the focac­cia and sea­son with gar­lic, salt and pep­per. Top with moz­zarella and bake for 15 – 20 min­utes or until focac­cia is crispy and cheese is bub­bly. 
  • Creamy Mortadella & Fig Topping: Spread mas­car­pone over the focac­cia and sprin­kle with pecorino. Bake for 15 – 20 min­utes or until focac­cia is crispy and cheese is brown­ing slightly. Top piz­zas with mor­tadella slices, pis­ta­chios, basil and a lit­tle extra driz­zle of EVOO. 
  • Potato, Onion & Gorgonzola: Spread caramelized onions over the top of the focac­cia. Next, layer with pota­toes and sprin­kle with cheese, rose­mary, EVOO and a healthy sprin­kle of salt and pep­per. Bake for 20 – 25 min­utes or until pota­toes are ten­der. 

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