`Salted Rosemary and Olive Oil Ice Cream - Olive Oil Times
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Salted Rosemary and Olive Oil Ice Cream

This sweet treat has some serious flavor! Rosemary, coarse sea salt and a little peppery EVOO action.
Salted Rosemary and Olive Oil Ice Cream
Salted Rosemary and Olive Oil Ice Cream
By Patterson Watkins
Sep. 14, 2020 09:18 UTC

A lit­tle more adult’ than the typ­i­cal ice cream com­bi­na­tion, but sure to be a crowd favorite. Rosemary works really well in this ice cream, adding some unique aroma and sub­tle fla­vor. We love mak­ing ice cream with olive oil. It adds a rich mouth­feel (as opposed to just cream and eggs alone) and just a slight touch of fruity pep­per.


Salted Rosemary and Olive Oil Ice Cream

Course: DessertCuisine: N/ADifficulty: Medium


Prep Time


Chill time



This is a great recipe for a gourmet week­end dessert. Make the ice cream mix well in advance (a few days) to break up some of the prep. And the sky is the limit with serv­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties. Serve a la mode (apple pie or pump­kin pie…swoon), adorn a waf­fle cone with a lit­tle driz­zle of EVOO, or on its own. 


  • 1 1/2cupswhole milk

  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream

  • 1/2 cupgran­u­lated sugar

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar

  • 1/2 tea­spooncoarse sea slat (plus a lit­tle more for sprin­kling)

  • 2sprigs fresh rose­mary

  • 5eachegg yolks

  • 1/3 cupmild to medium-inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil


  • Prep your ice cream maker accord­ing to the manufacture’s instruc­tion (freez­ing the bowl ahead of time, etc…).
  • Combine milk, cream, gran­u­lated sugar, brown sugar, salt and rose­mary in a medium saucepan. Bring to a scald, whisk­ing fre­quently, over medium to medium-low heat. Heat the mix­ture until the sug­ars dis­solve (about 4 min­utes). Remove from the heat.
  • Combine egg yolks and olive oil in a large bowl and whisk until fluffy. Slowly pour milk mix­ture into the yolks in a thin steady stream while whisk­ing until com­bined (remove the rose­mary before whisk­ing but return the sprigs to the mix once com­bined). Let the mix­ture cool to room tem­per­a­ture before refrig­er­at­ing overnight.
  • Once cooled, pour the mix into your ice cream maker and con­tinue to fol­low the manufacture’s instruc­tions for use. Freeze until firm and ready to serve. Sprinkle ice cream with a lit­tle coarse sea salt. 


  • We rec­om­mend a del­i­cate Arbequina, or for a big­ger EVOO kick, a pep­pery Picual.

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