`Spicy Italian Breakfast Sandwiches - Olive Oil Times
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Spicy Italian Breakfast Sandwiches

With all its delicious spice and fruit, medium-intensity olive oil works really well in this recipe, used for both the spread and for cooking and preparing the sausages and eggs.
Spicy Italian Breakfast Sandwiches
By Patterson Watkins
Apr. 6, 2023 13:23 UTC

These savory and spicy break­fast sand­wiches will wake up your palate. A quick, home­made chili pep­per & tomato spread pro­vides the heat, pair­ing well with the Italian sausage, eggs, sharp pro­volone, moz­zarella, and arugula. 

The chili pep­per & tomato spread is a show­stop­per. Pickled cherry toma­toes, sun-dried toma­toes, gar­lic, and oodles of extra vir­gin olive oil pro­vide sen­sa­tional heat and pep­pery pops. With all its deli­cious spice and fruit, medium-inten­sity olive oil works really well in this recipe, used for both the spread and for cook­ing and prepar­ing the sausages and eggs.


Spicy Italian Breakfast Sandwiches

Course: BreakfastCuisine: Italian, AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



The chili pep­per & tomato spread can be made a day or two in advance (it is much more fla­vor­ful after it is allowed to mar­i­nate for a time). Since EVOO solid­i­fies slightly when refrig­er­ated, remove the spread a few min­utes before assem­bling the sand­wiches, let­ting the spread come to room tem­per­a­ture.


  • Chili, Tomato & EVOO Spread:
  • 1/2cuppick­led cherry pep­pers stems removed

  • 1/2cupsun-dried toma­toes in oil

  • 2eachgar­lic cloves peeled

  • 2table­spoonspickle juice (from the pick­led cherry pep­pers)

  • 2tea­spoonsgran­u­lated sugar

  • 1/4cupmedium inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil 

  • Breakfast Sandwich Ingredients:
  • 1lbraw Italian sausage, cas­ings removed

  • 2table­spoonsmedium inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil 

  • 4eacheggs

  • salt and pep­per to taste

  • 4eachlarge English muffins, split and toasted

  • 1/2cupsharp pro­volone cheese, shaved or grated

  • 1/2cupfresh moz­zarella, thinly sliced

  • 2cupsbaby arugula

  • 1/2cupred onion, peeled and thinly sliced


  • To make the chili, tomato, and EVOO spread, place cherry pep­pers, sun-dried toma­toes, gar­lic, pickle juice, sugar, and olive oil in the bowl of a food proces­sor, blend until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pep­per. Set the spread aside or cover and refrig­er­ate until ready to use. 
  • Portion the Italian sausage into 4oz pat­ties, set aside.
  • Heat one table­spoon of olive oil in a large skil­let over medium-high heat. Once the oil is hot, care­fully add the pat­ties to the pan, and cook for about 2 min­utes per side or until cooked through and browned. Remove the pat­ties from the skil­let and set them aside on a paper towel-lined plate.
  • Add the remain­ing one table­spoon of oil to the skil­let and return to medium-high heat. Once the oil is hot, work­ing in batches if nec­es­sary, crack the eggs into the skil­let, scram­ble (or serve sunny-side up), and fry for 2 – 3 min­utes or until firm, sea­son to taste with salt and pep­per. 
  • While the eggs cook, dol­lop 1 – 2 table­spoons of spread onto the split and toasted muffins and evenly spread.
  • Top the muffins with fried eggs, cooked sausage, sharp pro­volone, moz­zarella, and red onion before serv­ing. 

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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