`Sol D’Oro Southern Edition Recognizes Region’s Top Producers - Olive Oil Times
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Sol D’Oro Southern Edition Recognizes Region’s Top Producers

By Charlie Higgins
Oct. 6, 2014 11:21 UTC
Panel leader Marino Giorgetti (left) with Carlos Furche (Chilean min­is­ter for agri­cul­ture), José Mingo (Panel Cata Chile) and Hector Echeverria (exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Foundation for Agrarian Innovation — FIA).

Sol d’Oro held its first Southern Hemisphere edi­tion last week in Santiago, bring­ing together top pro­duc­ers from Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, South Africa, Australia and Chile.

Following the same guide­lines used at the orig­i­nal Sol d’Oro in Verona over the past twelve years, an inter­na­tional panel led by Dr. Marino Giorgetti chose the best oils in three cat­e­gories — light, medium and intense — from among 71 entries.

Panel Cata Chile played a key role in bring­ing the event to the nation’s cap­i­tal and has been work­ing to pro­mote con­sump­tion of Chilean olive oil at home since its found­ing in 2012. Chile’s Ministry of Agriculture, ProChile, the Foundation for Agricultural Innovation (FIA) and the Chilean Image Foundation were also sup­port­ers.

We are very pleased with the recep­tion we’ve had at this first edi­tion of the com­pe­ti­tion. We wanted to sur­prise the jury with the high qual­ity of oils from the south­ern regions of the world, and we did it,” said Panel Cata Chile pres­i­dent Jose Mingo.

This year the top prize in the intense cat­e­gory went to 50 años,” an extra vir­gin olive oil devel­oped in Huasco by Chile’s Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) in cel­e­bra­tion of its 50 years as an orga­ni­za­tion.

We are very proud of this award received by INIA Chile together with the pro­duc­ers of Huasco. Without a doubt their team­work is embod­ied in this recog­ni­tion by the best olive oil tasters in the world,” said Héctor Echeverría, a mem­ber of the INIA’s advi­sory coun­cil who received the award along with Horacio López, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Foundation for Agricultural Innovation (FIA).

Sol d’Oro Southern Hemisphere Winners


1st prize: Hacienda Laguna Torca (Chile)

2nd prize: Piuqué Blend” by Daniel Emprendimientos S.A. (Argentina)

3rd prize: Olave Nocellara” by Valle Grande S.A. (Chile)


1st prize: Director’s Reserve” by Willow Creek (South Africa)

2nd prize: Colinas de Garzón Bivarietal” by Agroland S.A. (Uruguay)

3rd prize: Deleyda Premium” by Olivos Valle del Sol S.A. (Chile)


1st prize: 50 años” by INIA Intihuasi (Chile)

2nd prize: Alonso” by Agrícola Pobeña S.A. (Chile)

3rd prize: Almaoliva Varietal Coratina” by Alma Oliva S.A. (Argentina)


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