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Searching for Marissa Tome

SEVITEL: Unveiling Greek Olive Oil Abroad

…coun­tries as well, such as Canada, Australia, Japan, China, India and the US. We are by far small exporters but there is oppor­tu­nity for us to grow,” says Antoniadis.​“Now, it’s a mat­ter of tap­ping that oppor­tu­nity.” . Photos: Marissa Tejada Benekos…

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Jul. 5, 2010By Marissa Tejada

Crisis Inspires New Packaging for Greek Olive Oil

Greek olive oil pack­ag­ing is tak­ing on new cre­ative designs. So much so that the Greek Graphic Design & Illustration Awards (EVGE) founded a brand new award cat­e­gory to honor the country’s graphic design­ers cre­at­ing them. According to Kathimerini, Greece’s major…

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Jul. 15, 2013By Marissa Tejada

Cyprus Olive Oil Use Slips As Crisis Forces Hard Choices

Costas Gregoriou New fig­ures show olive oil con­sump­tion is down in Cyprus due to the eco­nomic cri­sis hit­ting the coun­try. Cypriots now aren’t nec­es­sar­ily buy­ing olive oil. Instead they are mak­ing it them­selves. — Costas Gregoriou According to a new…

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Sep. 10, 2013By Marissa Tejada

Greek Olive Oil Producers Turn to China

Greek olive oil pro­duc­ers are look­ing east for new busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties in the midst of a cri­sis. The eco­nomic cri­sis is mak­ing every­one think about other ways to sell and China is an untapped oppor­tu­nity for Greek pro­duc­ers,” said George…

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Aug. 6, 2013By Marissa Tejada

Top Greek Olive Oil Brand Helps 3,000 Families During Crisis

More than 3,000 needy Greek fam­i­lies received a year’s sup­ply of extra vir­gin olive oil from the coun­try’s most pop­u­lar olive oil brand. Altis, which is a house­hold name in Greece, ini­ti­ated a pro­gram to help make a dif­fer­ence for needy fam­i­lies dur­ing…

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Jul. 30, 2013By Marissa Tejada

Greek Police Make Arrests in Olive Oil Fraud Ring

Greek police made sev­eral arrests related to two sep­a­rate olive oil fraud rings in the coun­try’s two largest cities. Olive Oil Theft Ring in Thessaloniki Four sus­pects are accused of try­ing to sell soy­bean oil mixed with col­orants as extra…

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Jul. 25, 2013By Marissa Tejada

Greek Olive Oil Producers Struggle in China

Stelios Vytogiannis of Foodrinco is deter­mined to make it in China. Greece, one of the top olive oil pro­duc­ing coun­tries in the world, is look­ing east for new oppor­tu­ni­ties. Olive oil pro­duc­ers and dis­trib­u­tors are eye­ing China’s immense mar­ket. However,…

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Mar. 20, 2014By Marissa Tejada

Panagiotis Karantonis: Greek Olive Oil Must Build On Quality

It is a fierce jun­gle.” This is the vivid way Panagiotis Karantonis describes the indus­try he has fol­lowed for more than 25 years. He is the gen­eral man­ager of the Greek asso­ci­a­tion of olive oil man­u­fac­tur­ers known as ESVITE, an…

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Jan. 30, 2011By Marissa Tejada