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World’s Healthiest Olive Oil? The Jury’s Still Out.

…the bet­ter choice. In the mean­time, much like Dr. Oz’​“ fridge test” or Rachael Ray’s clar­ity check,​“world’s health­i­est” claims risk adding more smoke to the already abun­dant con­sumer con­fu­sion on mat­ters of olive oil qual­ity and health ben­e­fits.…

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Jun. 21, 2017By Curtis Cord

Dr. Gundry’s Olive Oil: Controversial Pitchman Peddles a Dose of Deception

…well past its prime. Joseph R. Profaci, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the North American Olive Oil Association, said mem­bers of the group, includ­ing major American importers, are pro­hib­ited from indi­cat­ing a three-year shelf-life on pack­ag­ing​“fol­low­ing clear guid­ance from the International Olive…

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Feb. 6, 2021By Curtis Cord

Misinformation from the Cook Who Coined EVOO’

…a short­hand for extra vir­gin olive oil (added to the Oxford American College Dictionary in 2007), to do the nec­es­sary home­work to get it right. If you can see through it, it’s fine for cook­ing,” Ray stated in a recent seg­ment on…

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Oct. 26, 2016By Curtis Cord

World Olive Oil Competition 2024 Live Updates

…the American pub­lic and beyond how much we strive for excel­lence,” he noted.​“The help that nature has given us in the face of an inno­v­a­tive agri­cul­tural sys­tem that com­bines sus­tain­abil­ity with sci­en­tific research is unique,” he added.​“Thank to…

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Mar. 14, 2024By OOT Staff

US Surpasses Spain as Second-Largest Olive Oil Consumer

American coun­ter­parts to switch to some­thing else.” Vilar agreed, point­ing out that extra vir­gin olive oil prices at retail in the U.S. already exceeded $10 per liter, and have not increased as much due to dif­fer­ing pric­ing dynam­ics. For a major…

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Mar. 6, 2024By Daniel Dawson

S. American Olive Oil Sector Celebrates Successes and Examines Challenges

…day, IOC exec­u­tive direc­tor Jaime Lillo opened the sec­ond Latin American Olive Oil Conference at the new head­quar­ters of Antel, Uruguay’s state-run telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion com­pany. See Also: World Competition Wins Bring Relief to Southern Cone Producers There is energy here,” he…

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Nov. 24, 2024By Daniel Dawson

Meet the Retailers Working to Grow Oleotourism Sales After the Vacation Ends

…oil and spe­cialty food retail­ers to solve the issue. We will be their sales ful­fill­ment out­fit for their American vis­i­tors,” Vijay said.​“That accom­plishes a lot of things. It solves the check bag­gage issue, and it should solve the ship­ping cost…

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Nov. 7, 2024By Daniel Dawson

Kern County Producer Reflects on The California Olive Oil Industry

…shaker, har­vest is never per­fect,” Wickensheimer said.​“We can only do the best we can and shake as much crop off the trees as pos­si­ble. That being said, we didn’t run into too many issues dur­ing har­vest.” Rio Bravo Ranch…

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Jun. 10, 2024By Daniel Dawson