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Goya Means Quality

Jan. 26, 2022
Goya Spain

Spain has known how to keep the same inter­na­tion­al­iza­tion strat­egy cre­ated by its founder, Prudencio Unanue: export­ing olive oils and olives to mar­kets and des­ti­na­tions that appre­ci­ate the pro­duc­t’s qual­ity and brand equity.


The evo­lu­tion of Goya is based on the work and ded­i­ca­tion of every­one who is part of this ever-grow­ing fam­ily,” empha­sizes Antonio Carrasco, General Manager for GOYA Spain. We com­mu­ni­cate this pas­sion to our cus­tomers and ven­dors, and that has been the lead­ing key to our suc­cess. Each one of us con­tributes the best ver­sion of our­selves by doing what we love the most, which con­tributes to not only the per­sonal growth of our work­ers but also that of the com­pany,” he points out.

Exports on The Rise

As a sup­porter of the Mediterranean diet, GOYA is bring­ing the essence and roots of its prod­ucts — pil­lars of a healthy and bal­anced diet- to all cor­ners of the world. Olive oils, olives, capers, vine­gar, and gaz­pa­cho are based on a diet pat­tern declared by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. At Goya Spain, we sup­port GOYA’s unique char­ac­ter for its ori­gins, and we reach all cus­tomers who are loyal to our roots and sen­si­ble to the qual­ity of our olive oils and olives.”


Currently, GOYA is present in lead­ing inter­na­tional mar­kets like the United States, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Poland, and Nigeria. The United States, which is GOYA’s pri­mary export mar­ket, reaches all con­sumers look­ing for a qual­ity prod­uct at a fair price.

The American cus­tomer knows GOYA as a ref­er­ence brand for Hispanic-related foods. In GOYA Spain, we sup­port GOYA’s unique char­ac­ter as a brand for its roots, and we aim to reach all the cus­tomers loyal to the Spanish ori­gin and sen­si­ble to the qual­ity of our olive oils and olives,” GOYA’s General Manager denotes.

Quality: Added Value Recognized by International Awards

In its day-to-day, GOYA Spain’s com­mit­ment is based on ongo­ing work and care found in three pil­lars: Quality, tra­di­tion, and the ori­gin of the raw mate­ri­als. GOYA’s pas­sion and mas­tery are the key ele­ments that allow GOYA Spain to pro­duce the best olives and extra vir­gin olive oils. Furthermore, our pas­sion and mas­tery are con­sol­i­dated by ongo­ing pro­mo­tion and divul­gence.

It’s hard work, but it’s needed to increase the value and the image of our olive oils for our con­sumers in each one of our mar­kets,” Carrasco points. We sup­port direct com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the cus­tomer, and we back our dis­trib­u­tors’ net­work pro­vid­ing them with pro­mo­tional mate­ri­als for online and offline com­mu­ni­ca­tion.”

This increased pro­mo­tion has taken GOYA Olive Oils to be placed among one of the best EVOOs in the world over, and to obtain more than two hun­dred inter­na­tional awards.


For exam­ple, the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition, in its 2021 edi­tion, has given two Gold Awards to Goya Unico and Organics Premium Olive Oils, in addi­tion to the nine medals obtained in pre­vi­ous edi­tions of this inter­na­tional bench­mark com­pe­ti­tion.

The pro­duc­tion of GOYA Olive Oils and Olives is endorsed by lead­ing inter­na­tional cer­ti­fi­ca­tions [UNE-EN ISO 14001, envi­ron­men­tal Certification that guar­an­tees the right imple­men­ta­tion of our Environmental Management sys­tem; ISO 9001, British Retail Consortium (BRC), International Featured Standards (IFS), OK Kosher Certification, C‑TPAT, USDA, JAS Certification, and CAAE].

Every day, the olive oil’s qual­ity is rec­og­nized by its con­sumers more and more, and that ten­dency dri­ves us to main­tain a priv­i­leged posi­tion and to con­tinue work­ing towards excel­lence”, empha­sizes the General Manager at Goya Spain, Antonio Carrasco.

With these, GOYA guar­an­tees that all its prod­ucts meet the food secu­rity stan­dards and trace­abil­ity to offer the best olive oil to the most demand­ing cus­tomers, so: If it’s GOYA®…it has to be good”

The news and edi­to­r­ial staff of Olive Oil Times had no role in this arti­cle’s cre­ation.