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How to Find the Best Olive Oils Nearby

A new app helps you find award-winning olive oils at local shops.

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Nov. 4, 2019 17:56 UTC

Each year when the results of the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition are revealed, the hunt for the win­ning brands begins.

Many of the awarded extra vir­gins can be found on the Best Olive Oils Marketplace from the pro­duc­ers, importers and retail­ers who stock them in the United States.

But for those who pre­fer not to order online, live out­side the U.S. or sim­ply want to buy olive oils from a local mer­chant, find­ing one of the world’s best olive oils can seem like look­ing for a nee­dle in a haystack.

The NYIOOC unveiled this week the beta test­ing ver­sion of its Best Olive Oils Retail app to help peo­ple every­where find award-win­ning olive oil brands at retail loca­tions in their areas.

Retailers can log in to the app to select the award-win­ning brands they cur­rently carry and pro­duc­ers can iden­tify where their oils are sold. Geolocation assists users in search­ing for nearby win­ners.

Curtis Cord said the app is another impor­tant step in the ulti­mate mis­sion of the NYIOOC. We’re always look­ing for new ways to get these excel­lent prod­ucts into the kitchens where they deserve to be,” said the NYIOOC pres­i­dent. The retail app is one more tool to help con­sumers find and buy great olive oils.”

Cord added that the app is in active devel­op­ment while pro­duc­ers and retail­ers start to add their brands. New fea­tures will be intro­duced such as user reviews, com­ments, and a mobile app with noti­fi­ca­tions of nearby award win­ners.

An award-win­ning olive oil is a dia­mond in the rough,” said Cord. People need help find­ing high-qual­ity brands, and these excep­tional pro­duc­ers need to be found.”


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