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Judging Gets Underway in NYIOOC Southern Division

Registration remains open until the final results are released in September. Producers across the hemisphere await the results.
Prosperato boss Rafael Marchetti said his company's thirteen NYIOOC awards helped him secure the company's first export contract.
By Daniel Dawson
Aug. 8, 2023 19:15 UTC

The first results for Southern Hemisphere olive oil pro­duc­ers will be announced on September 1st as the sec­ond part of the 2023 NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition gets under­way.

For the fol­low­ing two months, pro­duc­ers from at least seven coun­tries across three con­ti­nents will await news of whether their extra vir­gin olive oil has been awarded at the world’s largest and most pres­ti­gious olive oil qual­ity con­test.

Registration for Southern Hemisphere pro­duc­ers is still open; the dead­line for receiv­ing sam­ples is October 1st.

See Also:The World’s Best Olive Oils

To date, 92 entries have been sub­mit­ted from Brazil (39), South Africa (14), Australia (13), Chile (13), Argentina (6), Uruguay (4) and New Zealand (3).

While pro­duc­ers across the hemi­sphere reported mixed results for olive oil pro­duc­tion quan­ti­ties, many were con­fi­dent that qual­ity was as high as ever.

Producers and author­i­ties in Argentina, Brazil and Chile reported improved har­vests com­pared to the pre­vi­ous year. Uruguay is expect­ing a record har­vest.

On the other hand, the qual­ity obtained this year is excep­tional; we are happy with the sen­sory pro­files we are obtain­ing,” said María Morín, the mar­ket­ing man­ager at Nuevo Manatial in Uruguay, which earned a Gold Award at the 2022 NYIOOC.

Meanwhile, pro­duc­ers in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand are not as con­fi­dent about the quan­tity of olive oil pro­duced but also said they believe qual­ity is world-class.

Olive oil qual­ity was excel­lent,” said Leandro Ravetti, Cobram Estate’s co-chief exec­u­tive and chief oil maker.

Over the years, pro­duc­ers have shared the ben­e­fits of win­ning inter­na­tional qual­ity awards. In a 2019 sur­vey, dozens of NYIOOC win­ners said the awards improved their brand’s stand­ing in the eyes of prospec­tive and exist­ing cus­tomers.


Totara Tunnel Olives garnered plenty of interest after winning a Gold Award at the 2022 NYIOOC.

After announc­ing our award, we’ve had a lot of new inter­est in our oil and we are cer­tain sales will con­tinue strongly until we sell out,” said Sally Murrey, co-owner of Totara Tunnel Olives in New Zealand, which earned a Gold Award at the 2022 NYIOOC.

These awards are val­i­da­tion of the hard work, ded­i­ca­tion and exper­tise we have put into pro­duc­ing our world-class oils and will help build an increased aware­ness amongst retail­ers and con­sumers,” added Tim Dugan, the man­ag­ing direc­tor of Cockatoo Grove in Australia, which earned two Gold Awards at the 2022 NYIOOC.

Still, other pro­duc­ers went a step fur­ther and said NYIOOC vic­to­ries helped improve the rep­u­ta­tion of entire regions in coun­tries that are not tra­di­tion­ally asso­ci­ated with olive oil pro­duc­tion.

Olive oil pro­duc­tion in Brazil is some­thing new and win­ning these awards shows our poten­tial to pro­duce qual­ity olive oil,” said Paula Trevisan, the owner of Origen Trevisen, which won a Gold Award at the 2022 NYIOOC. This is an incen­tive for pro­duc­ers to increase pro­duc­tion and new ones to enter the olive grow­ing busi­ness.”


Casa Montoliva won a Gold Award and Silver Award at the 2021 NYIOOC.

“[The NYIOOC] allows South African oils – and Western Cape oils – to be bench­marked against the best in the world,” added Willie Duminy, co-owner of Porterville Olives. We believe that the three 2022 Gold Awards will enhance our Andante brand sub­stan­tially, locally and inter­na­tion­ally.”

Producers also point out the impor­tance of the NYIOOC for first-time win­ners, con­firm­ing that they are mov­ing in the right direc­tion and reward­ing the hard work and sac­ri­fice it takes to pro­duce award-win­ning extra vir­gin olive oil.

Everyone rec­og­nizes that hav­ing two olive oils awarded at the NYIOOC dur­ing their first par­tic­i­pa­tion shows ded­i­ca­tion in all stages of the process,” said Flavo Fernandes, co-owner of Pedregais in Brazil, which earned two Gold Awards at the 2022 NYIOOC.

We are extremely happy to see that, despite our short his­tory of only five years, our daily work and ded­i­ca­tion were rec­og­nized,” he con­cluded.


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