Argentina / page 5

Jan. 9, 2013

An Olive Tree for Every Home in La Rioja, Argentina

La Rioja, Argentina has implemented a program to provide each family in the region with their own olive tree plant.

Dec. 1, 2012

Argentina Declares Olive Oil a ‘National Food’

A new initiative will promote domestic marketing, production and consumption of olive oil in Argentina, where for every four liters of oil produced, just one is consumed at home.

Oct. 14, 2012

In Argentina, a Push to Make Olive Oil a 'National Food'

A proposed campaign aims to boost domestic sales, stimulate production and change the perception of olive oil among Argentine consumers.

Jul. 26, 2011

Fifth Olivinus Olive Oil Competition Coming to Mendoza

This year's competition, which will be held the end of August at the Hotel Internacional in Mendoza, Argentina, will feature the participation of 21 countries and over 400 extra virgin olive oils.

Jul. 5, 2011

Argentina’s Yancanelo Gets New Bottling Line

Yancanelo, a major producer of extra virgin olive oil in Argentina’s Mendoza providence, has announced it will invest 500,000 pesos ($121,833) in a new bottling line at its plant in San Rafael.

Jun. 17, 2011

The Olive Merchant

Even in a city rife with nostalgia, where crumbling European-style haciendas offer constant reminders of its glory days, La Casa de Las Aceitunas is a dusty gem you’d be hard pressed to find anywhere else.

Apr. 17, 2011

Lack of Farm Workers in Argentina Weakens Vulnerable Olive Oil Industry

Cultivation in Cuyo is expected to grow 40 percent, but half of this green gold will never make it to store shelves. There are simply not enough workers to harvest the olives.

Apr. 3, 2011

Catamarca Unveils New Research Facility for Olive Oil Production

"Producers will gain access to technical assistance in the field and at the pilot plant with the aim of improving the quality of their products." - Flavio Fama, National University of Catamarca

Mar. 16, 2011

Argentina’s Olive Oil Industry Continues to Face Challenges

The situation has only gotten bleaker for Argentina’s flailing olive oil industry, which finds itself in a financial predicament driven by stagnant prices and rising production costs.

Mar. 1, 2011

An Olive Oil Immersion in Mendoza

Steps from Mendoza's Hotel Internacional, Verolio is a place to fall in love with fresh local olive oils, delicious Argentinian dishes and great wines.


Feb. 14, 2011

Argentina President Promises Aid for Troubled Olive Oil Industry

President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has pledged federal government help to Argentina's battered olive oil industry following layoffs in the Catamarca region.

Jan. 5, 2011

Local Olive Oil Crisis Underscores Argentina's Bigger Problems

Pomán has demanded that the Catamarca Government move to counter a crisis in the local olive oil industry that has led to fifty layoffs in the past two weeks

Oct. 29, 2010

Olive Oil Region in Argentina Launches Origin Certification Program

The San Juan department of Pocito hopes the certificate of origin initiative will help endorse Argentina’s industry and ensure its products are recognized across the world.

Sep. 21, 2010

Argentina Proposes Wine Sector Control of Olive Oil Market

Argentinean farmers, businessmen and olive agency representatives have come out in force against a draft bill that proposes to give control of the olive market to Argentina’s wine regulator.

Aug. 18, 2010

Severe Winter Damages San Juan Olive Plantations

The cold weather in San Juan, Argentina over the past weeks is similar to 2007 when nearly 70 percent of the province's olive groves were lost due to the drop in temperature.

Aug. 13, 2010

Argentina Advises Bolivia on Olive Oil Production

"We wanted to create cooperative ties with our sister republic Bolivia because we felt that we had accumulated experience that we could share." Jorge Ortiz

Jul. 21, 2010

Investing in the Future of Olive Oil in Argentina

“I have joined the many dreamers from diverse geographical locations who believe in the potential for agribusiness in Argentina and in our ability to achieve it.” Luis Feld

Jul. 14, 2010

Argentina Olive Oil Restrictions Threaten EU-Mercosur Deal

Negotiations seeking a free trade agreement are in danger because of supposed Argentinean restrictions against the entrance of European olive oil imports.
