environment / page 21

Mar. 31, 2021

Biomass from Olive Groves Fuels Heineken Factory in Southern Spain

The factory will receive up to 6,000 tons of pruning waste annually from olive groves with a 90-kilometer radius of the factory.

Mar. 17, 2021

Almost 1 Billion Tons of Food Is Wasted Each Year, U.N. Report Finds

The United Nations has found that more than 900 million tons of food were wasted in 2019. The problem is pervasive, with food waste occurring at every step of the food chain worldwide.

Mar. 9, 2021

'Digital Earth' Could Help Predict Effects of Climate Change

Scientists are building a digital model of the Earth that will act as an information system for better decision-making on development and environmental issues within the European Union.

Jul. 20, 2020

Organic Olive Cultivation Continues to Grow in Spain

The land area dedicated to organic olive farming in Spain rose to 209,288 hectares in 2019.

Jul. 13, 2020

Portugal Bans Nocturnal Olive Harvesting Practice for Upcoming Season

While conservationists have hailed the move as a step in the right direction, many of them have urged the country's ministry fo agriculture to make the ban permanent.

Jul. 1, 2020

Using Technology and Old Photos to Map Erosion in Jaén's Olive Groves

Researchers from the University of Jaén have developed a tool to more precisely monitor soil erosion. It may help growers to estimate future damage and put in place preventive measures.

Jun. 1, 2020

Europe Reveals 'Farm to Fork' Strategy for Food Sustainability

The strategy aims to promote sustainable food and environmentally-friendly production practices. Critics say more must be done to reduce the production of industrial animal meat products.

May. 7, 2020

Experts: Sustainable Farming Will Play Key Role in Post-Pandemic World

The population's priorities will shift in a post-coronavirus world, demanding ethical and sustainable production from farmers and distributors in the years ahead.

Apr. 24, 2020

EU Introduces Standards for Use of Reclaimed Water for Irrigation

New measures aim to promote the reuse of city wastewater for the irrigation of farmland.

Apr. 17, 2020

A New Strategy Against a Dreaded Pest in Italy

The samurai wasp will be deployed to contain the brown marmorated stink bug which has been devastating Italian agriculture productivity.


Feb. 21, 2020

Under Fire, Bayer Seeks to Demonstrate Transparency

Bayer says it will open laboratory studies of new pesticides to outside observers amid mounting legal challenges.

Feb. 3, 2020

Conference to Focus on Role of Religion in Combating Climate Change

Hosted by the Lutheran World Federation, the meeting will focus on managing religious differences in the interests of supporting sustainability and climate change.

Jan. 29, 2020

Olive Oil Waste Fuels Spanish Power Plant and Palestinian Startup

A new plant will work to counteract the negative impacts of olive by-products in the region while developing a reliable substitute for fossil fuel.

Jan. 26, 2020

TAP 'Confidant' as Trial Looms, Prepares to Replant Uprooted Trees

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline said the company is confident ahead of the upcoming trial. Replanting of the olive trees at issue in the trial is scheduled to begin in February.

Jan. 20, 2020

2019 Second Hottest Year Since Records Began, NOAA Says

Land and ocean temperatures have been above average for the past 43 years and nine of the 10 warmest years on record have come since 2005.

Jan. 16, 2020

Trans Adriatic Pipeline on Trial for Uprooting Olive Trees in Puglia

TAP executives have been summoned to appear in court on May 8 and will face charges of committing environmental damage including the unlawful removal of olive trees.

Dec. 11, 2019

Europe to Introduce New Climate and Environmental Policies

Under the new scheme, olive farmers can be an important cog in the wheel of Europe’s agricultural sector by providing feedback for improved agricultural and sustainability practices.

Dec. 4, 2019

In Italy, Hiking Through the Olive Groves

Italy's third annual “Walk through the olive trees” combines heart-healthy exercise with the chance to learn about production and taste local extra virgin olive oils.
