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global warming

Feb. 2, 2023

Tuscan Landfill Gives Away Olive Trees to Compensate for Carbon Emissions

A public waste company in Tuscany will support the planting of 245,000 olive trees to compensate for its CO2 emissions.

Feb. 2, 2023

Earth’s Ozone Layer Expected to Completely Rebound by 2040, Report Finds

A Unite Nations assessment finds that the ozone layer should be restored to 1980 levels by 2040.

Jan. 18, 2023

Summer 2022 Was Europe's Hottest on Record

The last eight years on Earth have been the hottest on record, with climate extreme weather events increasing significantly in 2022.

Jan. 17, 2023

Groundwater Resources Recharge Faster than Previously Estimated

Research sheds light on the recharge rate of groundwater resources, which has important implications for the sustainable use of underground aquifers.

Jan. 9, 2023

Persistent Warm Weather Causes Headaches for Olive Oil Producers in Greece

Daytime temperatures remain around 20°C in many olive oil-producing areas of the country, undermining the quality of fresh EVOOs.

Jan. 19, 2015

Olives Reach New Heights in Valtellina

One of the consequences of rising temperatures is that it's now possible to cultivate olive trees where it was previously unthinkable.

Aug. 25, 2014

Blight Continues to Threaten Olive Crops in Italy

Widespread bacterial infection has already destroyed thousands of olive trees across Italy’s Puglia region.
