Mar. 10, 2015
Sacred Olives: Athena's Tree on the Acropolis
Atop the Acropolis of Athens stands an olive tree that is a symbol of hundreds of years of dedication and reverence.
Feb. 19, 2015
EVOO Research Hits a Wall in Greece
Greece is in the midst of a brain drain that forces the brightest to seek work abroad. But it gets worse.
Jan. 21, 2015
An Olive Oil 'Odyssey' at Winter Fancy Food
The olive oil association Sevitel organized a seminar on Greek olive oil at the Fancy Food Show that offered perspectives by a diverse panel of experts.
Dec. 5, 2014 Europe
Bucking the Trend: Why Olive Oil Prices in Greece are Falling
Oct. 27, 2014 Europe
Oct. 27, 2014 Europe
Sep. 8, 2014 Production
Jul. 16, 2014 Europe
Mar. 20, 2014
Greek Olive Oil Producers Struggle in China
Greek olive oil producers and distributors are finding that their products have not been an easy sell in China.
Mar. 13, 2014
Greek Policy on Olive Oil Labeling in Disarray
Predictably, the flip-flopping on permitted health claims on olive oil labels in Greece stems from politics
Mar. 3, 2014
Greek Proposal to Mix Oils a 'Cause for War'
Greeks are in an uproar over a proposal to blend their olive oils with cheaper ones in an effort to boost the country’s economy.
Feb. 26, 2014
Adulterating Greek Olive Oil Will Not Boost Competitiveness
An agency is proposing Greece allow olive oil blended with other oils on the Greek market. Will this approach backfire?
Feb. 24, 2014
Greek Producers Look Beyond Gold
They may have won gold in New York, but two Greek olive oil producers are still aiming high and remembering their roots.
Feb. 20, 2014
Olive Oil Package Design Top of Mind During Greek Crisis
Greek bottling companies are performing at their best as olive oil producers seek to stand out from the crowd with innovative designs.
Nov. 5, 2013
Greek Olive Oil Production Down Fifty Percent
Weather and other natural conditions are being blamed for destroying crops during a critical point of the season.
Sep. 30, 2013
Greeks Respond to Calls for New Tests for Olive Oil Quality
We asked three prominent Greeks how they view the proposed adoption of new testing methods for extra virgin olive oils.
Sep. 19, 2013
Greek Police Investigate Olive Oil Stolen at Gunpoint
Greek police are investigating olive oil robberies at gunpoint that occurred over the past few weeks.
Sep. 9, 2013
Research Institute in Chania Emerges as Greek Olive Sector Leader
The Institute for Olive Tree and Subtropical Plants has become a leader in research and education for the olive oil sector in Greece.
Aug. 27, 2013
Winds Blow in Bad Break for Crete
The coming olive harvest on Crete could be off as much as 60 percent after southerly winds brought unfavorable conditions at the worst time.
Aug. 6, 2013
Greek Olive Oil Producers Turn to China
Greek olive oil producers are looking to China to seize new business opportunities in the midst of a crisis.
Jul. 30, 2013
Top Greek Olive Oil Brand Helps 3,000 Families During Crisis
More than 3,000 needy Greek families received a year's supply of extra virgin olive oil from the country's most popular brand.
Jul. 18, 2013
Greek Olive Oil Gets Traction, But Will it Last?
Greek olive oil exports have posted strong gains in foreign markets thanks to Spain’s reduced crop. But will the good times roll?
Jul. 15, 2013
Crisis Inspires New Packaging for Greek Olive Oil
As olive oil producers in Greece are looking to rebrand, a Greek design competition addressed olive oil packaging for the first time.