May. 17, 2016
Various studies show olive oil is beneficial for infection and infectious diseases having antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial effects.
Apr. 4, 2016
Thyme-Enriched EVOO Prevents DNA Damage
Extra virgin olive oil enriched with its own phenolic compounds and the phenolic compounds of thyme prevent DNA damage.
Feb. 12, 2016
Storage Temperature's Big Impact on Shelf Life of High-Phenolic Olive Oils
Researchers investigated the effect of temperature on the stability of phenolic compounds in virgin olive oil during long-term storage.
Apr. 7, 2015 Health
Aug. 18, 2014 Opinions
Jun. 25, 2014 Health
Nov. 6, 2013 Health
Olive Compounds Said to Enhance Healing Power of Human Stem Cells