Sep. 18, 2024
The French multinational is distancing itself from the front-of-pack labeling system after a recent change to the algorithm lowered the score of several of its products.
May. 1, 2024
Australian Olive Association Implements Quality Monitoring Program
The program aims to assure Australians that olive oils are correctly labeled and meet the necessary standards at a time of increasing prices.
Jun. 20, 2023
Legislation in Switzerland Would Prohibit Nutri-Score
If the law passes, Switzerland will become the first country to adopt Nutri-Score, but later reverse course and prohibit the food label.
Apr. 3, 2023
Europe Cracks Down on Eco-Labels in Effort to Curb Greenwashing
The European Commission plans to ban new public eco-labels and allow member states to approve private eco-labels with higher standards than existing ones.
Feb. 6, 2023
Organic Producers Take Eco-Score Labels to Court
IFOAM brings a lawsuit accusing Eco-Score labeling of being unfair to organic production and misleading to consumers.
Feb. 6, 2023
Nutri-Score Founder: Olive Oil Will Never Attain the Highest Rating
The co-inventor of the nutrition label said olive oil would never be rated with a "Green A" because it is solely comprised of fat.
Dec. 9, 2022 Business
Nov. 30, 2022 Grades
Nov. 14, 2022 News Briefs
French Scientists and Health Professionals Reiterate Support for Nutri-Score
Nov. 3, 2022 Basics
Oct. 6, 2022 Health
Sep. 30, 2022
Businesses and Consumers Need Uniform Food Labels, E.U. Commissioner Says
Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides told European agricultural ministers that a pan-European food label would be published soon.
Sep. 21, 2022
Studies Indicate Labels Like Nutri-Score Help Consumers Make Healthy Choices
With Europe set to choose a mandatory food labeling system in the next six months, Nutri-Score remains the front-runner.
Aug. 10, 2022
Nutri-Score Algorithm Update Improves Olive Oil Scores
With the update, Nutri-Score will differentiate between the type of fat content and consider micronutrients. Both factors will result in a higher score for olive oil.
Jul. 6, 2022
New European Label Recognizes Health Benefits of High-Polyphenol EVOOs
The goal of the Aristoil Plus project is to improve olive oil quality among its members and promote olive oil as a nutraceutical food to consumers.
May. 25, 2022
Nutri-Score Does Not Penalize Traditional Food Specialties, Survey Finds
At least two-thirds of samples with protected statuses from the European Union received an "A" or "B" from Nutri-Score.
May. 16, 2022
Olive Farmers in Alentejo Seek Sustainable Certification Label
The new initiative is meant to promote sustainable farming and milling practices. Participating farmers hope the certification will add value.
May. 9, 2022
European Commissioner to Hear Olive Oil Sector’s Concerns About Nutri-Score
European officials will work with the sector to promote extra virgin olive oil culture and health benefits ahead of the potential introduction of Nutr-Score.
Sep. 20, 2021
Nutri-Score Adoption Can Help Curb Cancer Epidemic, Researchers Say
A report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer asked the European Union and other countries to urgently adopt the French-born front-of-pack labeling platform.
Sep. 14, 2021
Proposed Label Would Allow Consumers to Compare Sustainability of Food Items
Researchers in France say the label would grade foods' environmental footprint based on its farming practices, biodiversity impact and effect on climate change.
Sep. 1, 2021
Both Sides of Labeling Divide Satisfied As Amended Bill Passes California Senate
The bill, AB-535, would require brands that use the term “California” in their name to disclose the minimum percentage of California olive oil in their blended products.
Aug. 9, 2021
Rapid Test Developed to Check the Quality and Authenticity of Olive Oil
Using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, researchers were able to identify the individual compounds in olive oil samples and determine their provenance.
Jul. 13, 2021
Pilot Project Will Test New Eco-Label for European Food Packages
Olive oil producers are expected to benefit from the scheme, which rates a food’s sustainability on four criteria, including carbon emissions.
Jul. 12, 2021
Exporters' Association of Crete Rejects Nutri-Score
The association argues that the application of Nutri-Score on the island’s olive oil and honey would be catastrophic for producers and consumers alike.
May. 4, 2021
Legislation Restricting Use of 'California' on Olive Oil Labels Gains Momentum
While AB-535 has gained some prominent supporters and breezed through committees, its detractors remain confident a compromise can still be reached.
Apr. 30, 2021
The Very Italian Problem at California Olive Ranch
The largest American olive oil producer is fighting to keep its flagship brand on imported products. Italy can relate.