olive oil marketing / page 17

Feb. 6, 2012

Spain's Agriculture Minister Pledges 'Full Support' to Interprofessional

The Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment met with representatives of the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional to discuss the industry

Feb. 1, 2012

Council Offers Grants for Olive Oil Promotion in Member Countries

The International Olive Council has called for applications for grants to co-fund activities promoting olive oil and table olives in its member countries.

Jan. 26, 2012

No Excuses for Poor Olive Oil Labeling

Spanish marketing expert David Martínez Roig says many olive oil labels are doing the bare minimum.

Nov. 28, 2011

How Fairway Market Sells So Much Olive Oil

Want to know how Fairway sells so much olive oil? It’s not the mind-numbing variety, nor the nearly overwhelming barrage of informational signage and colorful posters that accompany this remarkable array.

Nov. 15, 2011

Culinary Institute, Davis Olive Center Present Olive Oil Quality Seminar

The January 12 event at the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone in California’s Napa Valley, will immerse retail, foodservice, production and distribution professionals into the new world of olive oil quality.

Nov. 14, 2011

Council to Commission Survey of Olive Oil Promotion

The “first ever public reliable survey” will reveal the key players involved in activities promoting olive oil internationally, and what they are doing, according to the IOC tender.

Nov. 13, 2011

Still Lower Prices, Black Olives for Breakfast in Latest IOC Data

Worldwide trade in olive oil is up 10 percent on last year - an increase of 120,222 tons, according to figures just released by the International Olive Council.

Oct. 6, 2011

Fratelli Aprile: The Art of Extra Virgin

With a great attention for local culture and contemporary art, Daniele and Roberto Aprile link tradition and innovation to produce a unique brand of extra virgin.

Oct. 5, 2011

Indian Delegation Visits Spanish Producers

A high profile Indian delegation of 12 professionals from the food and beverages industry visited Spain to explore import opportunities for the Indian market.

Sep. 29, 2011

European Commission OKs Payments for Six Months of Olive Oil Storage

The European Commission announced today that it will provide private storage aid enabling up to 100,000 tons of Spanish virgin olive oil to be stored for six months.


Sep. 27, 2011

Olivar de Segura the Top 'Ecological' Olive Oil Producer in Spain

The co-op sold one million kilos of olive oil in 2010 making it the top-selling certified ecological producer, according to Andalusia's organic farming trade group.

Aug. 17, 2011

European Olive Oil Producers Try New Label: Made in California

Suddenly olive oil companies in Italy and Spain and American importers of European products are introducing olive oils with a surprising new selling point.

Aug. 15, 2011

Star Fine Foods Launches California-Grown EVOO

Star, a division of Spanish food giant Borges Mediterranean Group, has launched its first grown-in-California olive oil -- using a blend of Arbequina, Arbosana, and Koroneiki olives grown in the Central Valley.

Aug. 12, 2011

Borges Plans $2.7M Campaign to Promote Olive Oil in India

Borges Mediterranean Food Products, one of the largest producers of olive oil in the world, is stepping up its marketing efforts in India with a major advertising campaign.

Jul. 15, 2011

Pitching Olive Oil Deep in Butter Country

Last week Saverio Romano, the Italian Minister of Agriculture, announced a three-year, €5 million campaign targeting the butter-rich countries of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Denmark.

Jun. 22, 2011

Council Chooses Exponent PR to Promote Olive Oil in North America

An IOC spokesperson said that having reviewed the six applications made last month, its Tenders Evaluation Committee had proposed Exponent PR as the successful bidder from three finalists.

Jun. 22, 2011

Olive Oil Tour Stops at Britain’s “Taste of London”

Spain's Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español is in the U.K. for the huge Taste of London festival to promote European olive oil to Brits who are increasingly fond of EVOO.

Jun. 12, 2011

Córdoba Recap: Voices for Olive Oil Quality

The Beyond Extra Virgin conference can fill a room with industry and government luminaries, but how 3E will actually reach its goal of establishing a higher benchmark for olive oil quality, and what the group's ultimate aims are for doing so, remain unclear.
