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olive oil marketing / page 20

Jun. 12, 2011

Córdoba Recap: Voices for Olive Oil Quality

The Beyond Extra Virgin conference can fill a room with industry and government luminaries, but how 3E will actually reach its goal of establishing a higher benchmark for olive oil quality, and what the group's ultimate aims are for doing so, remain unclear.

May. 30, 2011

Seville Meeting Asks "What Do Consumers Know About Olive Oil?"

Consumers' knowledge about olive oil quality, and controversial new EU rules designed to crack down on deodorized oils are on the agenda of a new annual conference in Seville.

May. 25, 2011

Six Firms Vie to Promote Olive Oil in North America

Bids from five North American and one European firm were officially opened this morning at IOC headquarters in Madrid by the International Olive Council.

Oct. 26, 2010

Recipe Contest in Brazil Promotes Spanish Olive Oil

The campaign to promote Spanish olive oil throughout Brazil is seen as a key strategic move to woo the consumer base of a country yet to be dominated by a single olive oil provider.
