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olive oil research / page 15

Dec. 12, 2022

Excessive Sodium Intake Linked with Higher Stress in Mice

Researchers studied the impact of high salt intake on cognitive function in mice. Health experts recommend following a Mediterranean diet to reduce salt consumption.

Dec. 8, 2022

New Research to Study Impact of Soil Health on Olive Oil Quality

The project seeks to better understand how olive growing affects soil biodiversity and ecological function and how soil health affects olive oil quality and safety.

Dec. 8, 2022

Researchers Investigate Role of Certain Polyphenols in Obesity Management

Polyphenols were linked with significant reductions in three obesity-related measures.

Nov. 17, 2022

Some Ultra-Processed Foods Are Addictive, Like Tobacco

Foods high in refined carbohydrates and added fats trigger some of the hallmarks of addictive behaviors in consumers.

Nov. 14, 2022

Researchers Study How Lack of Chill Hours Impacts Olive Development, Oil Quality

The lack of chill hours has resulted in longer flowering periods, more oil accumulation and distinct oil chemistry in olives grown in the subtropical climate of Tenerife.

Nov. 9, 2022

Olive Council Publishes Document Archive

The database includes historical trade standards, quality measuring methods and best practices for table olive and olive oil production.

Nov. 3, 2022

Study Sheds Light on Environmental Impact of Global Food Production

Meat production from cows and pigs, and rice, wheat and seed oil crop production have the worst environmental impacts.

Oct. 31, 2022

New Research Finds No Link Between Diet and Reduced Dementia Risk

The study found no link between adherence to a modified Mediterranean diet and lower dementia incidence. Still, researchers indicated that diet likely remains one factor among many.

Oct. 26, 2022

Study Links Cooking Methods and Health

The researchers found some cooking methods corresponded with beneficial effects on inflammation. Heating edible oils, but not olive oil, to high temperatures had negative effects.

Oct. 24, 2022

Researchers Review Benefits of Mediterranean Diet to Reduce Obesity

After an extensive review of the scientific literature, researchers found that following the Mediterranean diet yields many benefits for obese people and those at risk of obesity.


Oct. 24, 2022

Researchers in Spain Investigate Positive Organoleptic Attributes of EVOO

A study identifies new methods to better understand the "green fruity" and "ripe fruity" organoleptic profiles of extra virgin olive oil.

Oct. 24, 2022

Following MedDiet Fortified With Polyphenols Reduces Visceral Adiposity

An 18-month trial showed a polyphenol-rich Med Diet might exceed the benefits of a traditional MedDiet against visceral adipose tissue accumulation.

Oct. 17, 2022

Olive Oil Aisles Result in Superior Supermarket Sales

Grouping all the olive oils in a single aisle and providing information about them resulted in an 18-percent increase in sales. Extra virgin olive oil sales rose 13 percent.

Oct. 12, 2022

Study: Med Diet Adherence Linked with Lower Intestinal Inflammation

Researchers theorized that fiber-rich foods associated with the MedDiet created an ecological advantage for certain microbes to flourish and contributed to lower levels of inflammation.

Oct. 12, 2022

Hot Weather Weakens Plant Immune System, Study Finds

Uncertainty exists among scientists worldwide about why plants’ defenses against pathogens fade away under rising temperatures. However, the cure may lie in genetics.

Oct. 10, 2022

One-Third of Global Olive Oil Production Comes from Intensive Farming

A report found that high-density groves account for 3 percent of cultivation, but 36 percent of olive oil production.

Oct. 6, 2022

Lithuanian Firm Seeks Patent for Drug to Prevent Xylella

Quantum Satis Engeneering’s chief executive said the treatment would kill the bacteria in infected trees and work as a preventative in healthy ones.

Sep. 29, 2022

Following MedDiet Linked to Healthier Brain Activity

Researchers found lower levels of six metabolites known to lower cognitive function in study participants following the Mediterranean diet.
