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olive oil research / page 19

Jun. 22, 2022

Scientists Identify Gene Responsible for Olive Oil’s Aroma

Researchers determined that manipulating the 13-HPL gene could allow farmers to predict olive oil aroma or create new cultivars with specific aromas.

Jun. 15, 2022

Researchers Identify Compounds to Stem the Spread of Verticillium Wilt

In a controlled experiment, researchers from the University of Córdoba reduced the development of the disease by 70 percent.

Jun. 2, 2022

Europe’s LIFE Resilience Project Offers Tools to Mitigate Spread of Xylella

LIFE Resilience has presented the results of a four-year-long project to stop the spread of Xyella fastidiosa and identify resistant varieties.

May. 4, 2022

Researchers Reintroduce Bats to Andalusian Olive Groves to Combat Pests

Following research in Spain and Portugal, the LIFE Olivares Vivos project aims to reintroduce bats to olive groves, bringing more efficient pest control and soil fertilization.

May. 4, 2022

Argentina Likely to Host Olive Council's Fourth Olive Germplasm Bank

During a recent visit, the IOC also discussed technology transfer, production improvements and adding the Arauco cultivar to the World Catalog of Olive Varieties.

Apr. 6, 2022

Researchers Unveil the Latest Technologies to Help Harvest and Produce Olive Oil

Spanish researchers have worked to develop new technologies in response to what some of the industry's largest stakeholders said they needed most.

Apr. 6, 2022

Improving Olive Grove Biodiversity Helps Fight Xylella Fastidiosa and Climate Change

Scientists and farmers at the latest LIFE Resilience project workshop in Portugal discussed how nature and technology will shape the future of European olive growing.

Mar. 31, 2022

North Africans Ate Olives 100,000 Years Ago, Evidence Suggests

Archaeological evidence suggests that people living on Morocco’s Atlantic coast ate wild olives and used the tree's wood and pits as fuel.

Mar. 23, 2022

High-Phenolic EVOO May Improve Prognosis of Some Leukemia Patients, Research Suggests

In a small study, early-stage leukemia patients who consumed olive oil high in oleocanthal and oleacin experienced a decrease in the number of cancerous cells.

Mar. 8, 2022

Wildfires Are Becoming More Frequent and Intense Globally, Researchers Find

Olive farmers in the Mediterranean basin are among those at the highest risk of increasing and more intense wildfires.


Mar. 8, 2022

Xylella Arrived in Italy from a Costa Rican Coffee Plant, Researchers Say

A study concluded that the genomes of Xylella fastidiosa in Apulian olive trees descended directly from Costa Rican coffee plants.

Mar. 3, 2022

Meet the Award-Winning Croatian Producer Who Sea-Ages His Olive Oil

Winemakers have been aging their wines under the sea for years. Denis Plastić decided to try it with olive oil and the first results are promising

Feb. 28, 2022

Med Diet Linked with Better Sleep in University Students

Students with higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet reported less sleep latency, sleep disturbance and daytime dysfunction.

Feb. 28, 2022

Researchers Find Another Disease Afflicting Olive Groves in Puglia

New research on olive trees in Salento revealed the spreading of a known fungus, whose drying action is much faster than Xylella bacteria.

Feb. 23, 2022

Frying in Virgin Olive Oil Adds Healthy Compounds, Researchers Find

New research shows the transfer of olive oil's healthy plant sterols and tocopherols to deep-fried foods.

Feb. 16, 2022

Andalusia Plans an Olive Oil Center in Jaén

The center would help improve regional olive oil quality, invest in harvesting and processing technology and improve traceability.

Feb. 16, 2022

Health and Sustainability in the Spotlight at 3rd Yale Symposium

The symposium brought professionals from across the industry together to discuss how to better communicate olive oil's health and environmental benefits to consumers.

Feb. 11, 2022

Researchers Introduce Fertigation to Andalusian Olive Groves

The process has been hailed as a sustainable way for farmers to fertilize and irrigate their olive trees precisely and with recycled water.
