Nov. 14, 2012
International Olive Oil Tasting Seminar Coming to Kalamata
Participants will examine the characteristics of different olive varieties, and evaluate techniques used in Italy, Spain and the U.S.
Jul. 30, 2012
Chemists' Society Offers Proficiency Testing for Olive Oil Sensory Panels
AOCS recognition will give sensory panels an opportunity to demonstrate to olive oil producers, retailers, and importers that they are accurately assessing olive oil quality.
May. 22, 2012
France University Offers Degree in Olive Oil
Students in the University of Montpellier program can earn a Diplôme Universitaire (DU) d'Oléologie, or a university specialization diploma in olive oil.
May. 10, 2012 Europe
May. 7, 2012 Europe
European Commission Advisory Group Told Panel Tests 'Not Sustainable'
Apr. 2, 2012 World
Mar. 23, 2012 World
Mar. 8, 2012 Opinions
Nov. 30, 2011
International Olive Council Seeks Greater 'Transparency'
The need for more transparency in the olive oil market and for uniformity on tariff codes were among key issues discussed at the 99th session of the International Olive Council’s Council of Members, held recently in Madrid.
Jul. 28, 2011
Sensory Evaluation Classes Return to Paso Robles Olive Festival
In their second year at the Olive Festival, the classes are part of the olive oil short courses offered by the U.C. Davis Olive Center.
Feb. 10, 2011
Quality Olive Oil a Taste Not Yet Acquired by Most Consumers
While experts consider bitterness and pungency characteristics of high-quality olive oils, many consumers seem to favor other attributes associated with olive oil defects.
Feb. 8, 2011
Kersten Wetenkamp, Der Feinschmecker's Olive Oil Connoisseur
Kersten Wetenkamp and his panel of judges are getting ready to rate 800 extra virgin olive oils from around the world for his magazine's venerable guide.
Feb. 1, 2011
Paul Vossen: Olive Oil Taste Panels Are Not The Problem
Producers of fresh oil from high quality fruit should be the only ones rewarded with a higher price and the designation of extra virgin.
Jan. 28, 2011
Group Says Olive Oil Tasting Panels Create "False Concern"
A group of olive oil associations sent a letter to the Spanish Ministry condemning “serious problems” arising from organoleptic analysis for the classification of olive oil.
Oct. 25, 2010
New U.S. Olive Oil Standards in Effect Today
Producers who choose to label their product "US Extra Virgin Olive Oil" may now begin the process of having it inspected and certified by the USDA.
Oct. 22, 2010
Olive Council Chemists Issue Latest Challenge to Davis Study Claims
The IOC Cemists Group says the Davis study advocated "methods that have not been proven to have any relationship with the quality or purity of olive oils."
Sep. 29, 2010
Leonardo Colavita and the UC Davis Olive Oil Report
"We've worked hard to make a name for ourselves. What do they think? That we're out to ruin our name, our brand for a little trick worth a few bucks?" Leonardo Colavita
Sep. 25, 2010
Making Sense of Olive Oil Testing
Liliana Scarafia from California's Agbiolab provides a perspective drawn from the UC Davis Study results that may be useful for retailers and buyers seeking to reduce the risk of mislabeled olive oil.
Aug. 13, 2010
EVOO and A-Rod: The Dawn of Olive Oil's Era of Testing
The lawsuit was announced in typical American fashion, complete with a celebrity chef. Maybe this is what it needed to come to. Nothing happens here without buzz.
Aug. 4, 2010
La Rioja Claims its EVOO is "Healthier"
The study is part of an effort by Spanish local and national governments during a time where newly emerging olive oil producing nations threaten Spain's dominance of the world market.