Sep. 29, 2010
Leonardo Colavita and the UC Davis Olive Oil Report
"We've worked hard to make a name for ourselves. What do they think? That we're out to ruin our name, our brand for a little trick worth a few bucks?" Leonardo Colavita
Sep. 25, 2010
Making Sense of Olive Oil Testing
Liliana Scarafia from California's Agbiolab provides a perspective drawn from the UC Davis Study results that may be useful for retailers and buyers seeking to reduce the risk of mislabeled olive oil.
Aug. 13, 2010
EVOO and A-Rod: The Dawn of Olive Oil's Era of Testing
The lawsuit was announced in typical American fashion, complete with a celebrity chef. Maybe this is what it needed to come to. Nothing happens here without buzz.
Aug. 4, 2010 Europe