Aug. 4, 2021
Plant-Derived Treatment Against Asian Bug Shows Promise for Olive Growers
A blend of 11 odorant compounds produced naturally by sunflowers was found to attract female brown marmorated stink bugs. The concoction could be used in traps.
Aug. 2, 2021
Italian Producers Unlikely to Get Dimethoate Extension Ahead of Harvest
With few viable alternatives, farmers will have to find new ways to cope with the olive fruity fly this year.
Jul. 23, 2021
European Project Studies Olive Genetics to Prepare Growers for The Future
Researchers at the Gen4Olive project believe the genetic material of unused olive varieties could help prepare farmers for new climatic conditions and pests.
Jun. 15, 2021 Production
May. 13, 2021 News Briefs
Effort to Stem Spread of Olive Pathogen Using Grafted Trees Fails in Spain
May. 6, 2021 News Briefs
Olive Pests and Disease Will Be Focus of International Conference in October
Apr. 5, 2021 News Briefs
Puglia Invests in Early Detection of Olive Tree Diseases and Pests
Mar. 29, 2021 News Briefs
Mar. 15, 2021
New Tool Could Stop the Spread of Main Xylella Fastidiosa Vector
Using sound vibrations, researchers may be able to disrupt the mating of spittlebugs in olive groves. Agriculture groups are calling for more research.
Mar. 12, 2021
New Plant Parasite Discovered in Chinese Vineyards
A new root-knot nematode species was identified in southwest China. Researchers are working to determine whether the parasite is as deadly as other species of nematodes.
Feb. 18, 2021
Project Helps Growers Prepare for Challenges Posed by Climate Change
By collecting raw climatic data from around the region, the Med-Gold project aims to be a useful tool for the agriculture sector.
Feb. 3, 2021
Minor temperature changes with certain rainfall patterns provide the best environment for the fungus that causes Verticillium wilt to thrive.
Feb. 1, 2021
Treatment to Mitigate the Impact of Xylella Fastidiosa Shows Promise in Italy
Researchers found that a recently-patented bio-complex killed bacteria from three strains of Xylella in infected trees, while increasing their resilience to the disease.
Dec. 15, 2020
Scientists in Spain Identify Olive Genes Resistant to Common Pathogen
Researchers at IFAPA have identified several genes that provide resistance to the fungi that cause Verticillium wilt.
Nov. 12, 2020
Experts in Italy Offer Advice for Olive Growers Combating the Fruit Fly
Careful monitoring of traps and applying treatments at the right times are among the keys to preventing extensive damage from the olive tree pest, experts say.
Oct. 27, 2020
Italian Farmers Want Something Done About Wild Boars
With the number of wild boars in Italy doubling in the last ten years to two million, farmers' groups are calling again for a comprehensive plan to deal with an old and growing problem.
Sep. 22, 2020
Olive Flies in Spain Are Immune to Common Pesticide, Study Finds
Roughly 80 percent of olive fruit fly populations on the mainland have genes that confer resistance to one of the most popular pesticides.
Sep. 8, 2020
Authorities Investigate New Olive Tree Pathogen in Northeast Italy
The Venetian regional government has teamed up with farmers and researchers to find the cause of an ongoing outbreak
Aug. 25, 2020
Asian Bug May Be Cause of ‘Green Drop’ in Olive Trees, Researchers Find
An experiment revealed that the presence of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug on olive tree branches correlated with increased occurrence of the newly-observed ‘green drop’ disease.
Jul. 21, 2020
Farmers Warn Pesticide Ban Jeopardizes Italy's Olive Oil Production
While the prohibition on dimethoate-based pesticides was delayed until October, farmers and their supporters argue that no alternative treatments are available in time for the 2020 harvest.
May. 27, 2020
Experts Warn of Severe Olive Moth Attack in Jaén
Experts in the fields in the Spanish region have detect a never-seen-before presence of the olive moth.
Apr. 17, 2020
A New Strategy Against a Dreaded Pest in Italy
The samurai wasp will be deployed to contain the brown marmorated stink bug which has been devastating Italian agriculture productivity.
Oct. 16, 2019
Europe Releases List of Priority Plant Pests
The E.C. has released its priority plant pests list ahead of the Plant Health Law that comes into effect on December 14.