May. 11, 2016
New Phenolic Compounds Found in EVOO
New phenolic compounds belonging to the oleuropein and ligstroside aglycon family have been discovered in oils from the Koroneiki and Mission olive varieties.
Apr. 27, 2016
Best Practices for Producing Flavored Olive Oil
The polyphenol content of flavored olive oil produced by addition of herbs to crushed olives before the malaxation step was almost three times higher than that of untreated olive oil.
Apr. 21, 2016
EVOO Phenols Enhance Osteoblast Cell Growth for Better Bone Health
Treatment of osteoblasts or bone-forming cells with extra virgin live oil phenols increased the number of cells by 11 to 16 percent.
Apr. 4, 2016 Health
Mar. 15, 2016 Health
Feb. 19, 2016 Health
Feb. 18, 2016 Production
Feb. 12, 2016 Health
Storage Temperature's Big Impact on Shelf Life of High-Phenolic Olive Oils
Feb. 12, 2016
Olive Oil May Be Useful in Brain Cancer Chemoprevention
Compounds in extra virgin olive oil inhibit key proinflammatory molecules involved in the development and progression of aggressive brain cancer.
Feb. 1, 2016
New Research Shows Olive Oil, Virgin or Not, Can Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
Researchers from the University of Glasgow have developed a new way of measuring subtle changes in heart health over just a few weeks by looking at studying protein patterns in urine, a method known as proteomics.
Feb. 1, 2016
Role of Olive Oil in the Hallmarks of Aging
A review article looks at the role of monounsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols in EVOO on the aging process at the cellular and molecular levels.
Oct. 14, 2015
Greece's Early Harvest Olive Oils
Early harvest oils, with their bitter taste, low acidity, and higher antioxidant content are worth paying a little extra for. If you can find them.
Sep. 17, 2015
Mediterranean Diet with Extra Virgin Olive Oil Lowers Risk of Breast Cancer
The results, based on the long-term follow-up of 4,282 women, add to the benefits of consuming extra virgin olive oil and the Mediterranean diet.
Jul. 20, 2015
Olive Oil Polyphenols Reduce Bad Cholesterol and Plaque Formation
A new study reveals polyphenols in olive oil can reduce cardiovascular risks by decreasing bad cholesterol levels and atherogenicity.
Jun. 28, 2015
Tyrosol or Tyrosols: Greek Agency's Stance on Health Claim Comes Down to Semantics
A Greek agency's refusal to recognize tyrosol derivatives is based not on any scientific evidence, but on misguided wordplay.
Jun. 15, 2015
Researchers Explore Role of Olive Oil Phenols in Prevention of Neurodegenerative Diseases
A scientific review looks for ways phenols in extra virgin olive oil may prevent neurodegenerative diseases
Jun. 11, 2015
An International Society for Oleocanthal
Experts from the worlds of science, academia, gastronomy and media established the society to foster research on a key component of olive oil.
May. 26, 2015
Mediterranean Diet with Olive Oil or Nuts Improves Cognitive Function
Long-term consumption of the Mediterranean diet supplemented with either extra virgin olive oil or nuts improved cognitive function in older adults.
Apr. 7, 2015
How EVOO Helps Prevent Colon Cancer
Researcher Mauro Maccarrone explains how active components in high-quality extra virgin olive oils help prevent colon cancer.
Mar. 31, 2015
Olive Oil Improves Blood Lipid Profile, Reduces Risk of Heart Disease
Olive oil phenols can prevent chronic diseases but they diminish over time, a new report from the University of California at Davis has found.
Mar. 30, 2015
Want Healthier Eggs? Feed Hens EVOO
Feeding hens a diet that includes polyphenol-rich EVOO could lead to eggs that have lower cholesterol content and a better fatty acid profile.
Mar. 26, 2015
Index Predicts Antioxidant Activity of EVOO
Researchers investigated the relationship between certain chemical parameters of extra virgin olive oil and antioxidant activity.
Mar. 25, 2015
Expo Abounds with Quality Greek EVOO
At the Food Expo in Athens, efforts to produce high-quality EVOOs in the midst of economic crisis were finally paying off.