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Sep. 29, 2022

Following MedDiet Linked to Healthier Brain Activity

Researchers found lower levels of six metabolites known to lower cognitive function in study participants following the Mediterranean diet.

Sep. 29, 2022

Promising Signs of a Robust Harvest in Greece

Contrary to other main European producers, Greece expects a substantial increase in its harvest yield. However, significant challenges could hamper the final tally.

Sep. 27, 2022

Olive Farmer Unearths an Ancient Mosaic in Gaza

The Byzantine-era floor was discovered accidentally. However, the remains of walls and glass artifacts show that the area could yield even more stunning discoveries.

Sep. 9, 2022

Drought on Iberian Peninsula Expected to Persist Through November

With no signs of significant rains anytime soon, the debate about the future of agriculture on the peninsula is underway.

Sep. 8, 2022

Olive Oil Prices Rising Worldwide

From Greece to California, producers are raising prices as a result of inflation and expectations of a poor 2022/23 crop year.

Sep. 6, 2022

Rainfall Will Dictate the Upcoming Harvest in Croatia

Rain or the lack thereof will decide how the olive growing season will go in Croatia, and whether oil prices will rise.

Aug. 26, 2022

Safeguarding Italy's Millenary Trees

Silent witnesses of history, Italy’s millenary olive trees have proven their resilience over time. Local organizations are working to protect them from climate change.

Aug. 26, 2022

Growers and Producers in Jaén Could Lose €1B Due to Poor Harvest

Officials are calling on the government to cut taxes on fuel and other production inputs and lift some water restrictions for rainfed groves.

Aug. 24, 2022

One Year After a Devastating Fire in Montenegro, Farmers Continue to Rebuild

While a court ruled that olive growers were entitled to some compensation, the emotional and cultural pains endure.

Aug. 23, 2022

Italy Anticipates Steep Drop in Olive Production

A combination of unseasonal heat and drought means production in olive oil-soaked southern Italy will fall by 30 percent this year.


Aug. 18, 2022

Europe Confronts Worst Drought in 500 Years, Officials Say

Countries in southern and western Europe are bearing the bunt of the drought, with varying impacts on olive farmers and society writ large.

Aug. 18, 2022

Olive Growers in Extremadura Brace for 'Worst Harvest in History'

The local farmers’ association predicts olive oil and table olive production to fall by up to 85 percent due to the ongoing drought.

Aug. 18, 2022

Wildfires Stress the Importance of Crop Insurance in Croatia

After a wildfire damaged 15 percent of his grove in Dalmatia, one Croatian farmer explained the crucial role government-subsidized insurance plays for small farmers.

Aug. 16, 2022

Olive Grove Expansion Threatens Endangered Bird Species in Spain

The expansion of olive groves in Andalusia is reducing the habitat of the endangered Eurasian great bustard and little bustard.

Aug. 10, 2022

Nutri-Score Algorithm Update Improves Olive Oil Scores

With the update, Nutri-Score will differentiate between the type of fat content and consider micronutrients. Both factors will result in a higher score for olive oil.

Jul. 25, 2022

Europe Reconsiders Pesticide Ban as Global Food Crisis Looms

The Commission had proposed an ambitious plan to cut pesticide use in half by 2020. Nearly half of E.U. member states oppose the move.

Jul. 13, 2022

Consuming EVOO Results in More Polyphenols in Breast Milk, Study Finds

The study is reportedly the first to evaluate the possible vertical transmission of polyphenols to the offspring of laboratory rats fed extra virgin olive oil during pregnancy and lactation.

Jul. 13, 2022

Olive Oil Production Expected to Decrease in Italy Due to Ongoing Drought

After a promising start to 2022, with plenty of blossoms on the olive trees, heat and dry weather have led to a significant fruit drop and a lower-than-expected harvest.
