Tunisia / page 8

Dec. 15, 2016

Tunisian Olive Oil Industry Reaches New Heights

The Tunisian olive oil is flourishing after the Europe's decision to waive taxes on Tunisian oil imports and grant substantial financial help to the country.

Dec. 13, 2016

Tunisian President Celebrates 90th Birthday by Hosting 2020 Conference

2020 was not Tunisia's first attempt at luring international investors. In 2014 Tunisia hosted 'Invest in Tunisia' which failed to seduce foreign money.

Dec. 12, 2016

Gherib Brahim Wins 'Marathon of the Olive Trees'

The spirit of the marathon was perfectly portrayed by French Runner Dofosse Gilles who crossed the finish line carrying a leafy olive branch. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause at Gilles' gesture and the symbol of peace.

Feb. 29, 2016

Irrigating with Wastewater Found Not to Affect EVOO Quality

A study finds that irrigating olive trees with treated wastewater could be an effective way of preserving resources without affecting quality.

Feb. 29, 2016

Europe Affirms Market Won't Be Affected by Duty-Free Olive Oil from Tunisia

The European Parliament is set to vote on the adoption of a proposed duty-free olive oil import measure meant to aid Tunisia after recent terror attacks

Jan. 27, 2016

EU to Import 70,000 Tons of Duty-Free Tunisian Olive Oil to Help Recovery Since Terror Attacks

European Members of Parliament have endorsed a plan to help the Tunisian economy in the wake of last year’s terrorists attacks by allowing 70,000 tons of duty-free olive oil imports.

Jan. 11, 2016

Tunisia’s Output Drops from Last Year's Record

Tunisia is reporting a sharp decline in olive oil production as early indications for 2015/16 reveal a 60 percent drop from last year's record harvest.

Dec. 14, 2015

Farmers in Spain Seek Stop to Duty-Free Imports from Morocco

COAG Andalucia raises concerns over Moroccan olive oil imports after the annulment of 2012 EU trade agreement.

Nov. 30, 2015

Politicized Debate in Greece Over Proposed EU Increase in Tunisian Quotas

Greek unionists and politicians have belatedly begun to debate the European Commission (EC) proposal to increase duty-free imports of Tunisian olive oil into the EU.

Oct. 19, 2015

EU Farmers' Group Criticizes Plan to Increase Tunisian Olive Oil Imports

A plan to let more Tunisian olive oil into the EU has come under fire from Copa-Cogeca.


Oct. 13, 2015

Tunisia Has a Moment as Top Olive Oil Exporter

Tunisia exported more olive oil than any other country for the 2014/2015 season

Sep. 28, 2015

Italian Farmers Speak Out Against New EU Quota for Tunisian Olive Oil Imports

A proposed increase in Tunisia's quota will be damaging to the Italian sector, according to a farmers' group.

Sep. 18, 2015

In Wake of Terror Attacks, Hopes EU Olive Oil Deal Can Help Tunisian Economy

The European Union has adopted plans to help the country’s beleaguered economy after the terrorist attacks in June that lead to a decline in tourism.

Sep. 16, 2015

N. African Producers Move from Bulk to Branded

Olive oil producers in Tunisia and Morocco, sensing an opportunity, are focused on improving olive oil quality and branding.

Jul. 27, 2015

Europe Increases Tunisia's Export Quota

Tunisia will no longer be subject to the monthly export quotas which were fixed by the European Commission earlier this year.

Jul. 10, 2015

Tunisian Olive Oil Exports Reach Record High

Record yields and huge demand from Italy and Spain launched Tunisian exports to new heights.

Jun. 26, 2015

Tunisian Producer Gets $26M Loan from IFC

Conditionnement des Huiles d’Olive (CHO) has received a loan package of $26 million from the International Finance Corporation.

Jun. 1, 2015

Sousse, Tunisia Set to Host Third 'Med Mag Oliva' Exhibition

Tunisia’s largest olive oil sector event will promote commercial exchanges, share production technologies and foster partnerships between suppliers.
