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UC Davis Olive Center / page 8

Aug. 13, 2010

EVOO and A-Rod: The Dawn of Olive Oil's Era of Testing

The lawsuit was announced in typical American fashion, complete with a celebrity chef. Maybe this is what it needed to come to. Nothing happens here without buzz.

Aug. 4, 2010

Lawsuit Targets Olive Oil Brands Denounced in Davis Study

The lawsuit is the latest development in the unfolding aftermath of the Davis study which was financed, in part, by olive oil producers in California.

Jul. 28, 2010

Cold Press: The Media Pile-On After the Davis Olive Oil Report

The Davis report's bashing of imported olive oils has enjoyed the kind of viral publicity only eye-grabbing headlines like "That Olive Oil's No Virgin" could achieve. But is it fair?

Jun. 14, 2010

Olive Oil Production Branches Beyond Tradition

The boom is fueled by two developments, a growing appreciation of extra-virgin olive oil as a healthier fat and technological advances.
