`Mediterranean Diet Forum Returns to Imperia - Olive Oil Times
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Mediterranean Diet Forum Returns to Imperia

By Luciana Squadrilli
Oct. 22, 2012 12:02 UTC

Part of last year’s OliOliva event

This year edi­tion of the Mediterranean Diet Forum – the inter­na­tional meet­ing about Dieta Mediterranea as both a healthy life style and an impor­tant cul­tural her­itage for Mediterranean coun­tries – will take place from 15 to 17 November in Imperia, the main city of Ponente Ligure, a beau­ti­ful coastal area also known as the coast of the set­ting sun.”

Last year’s major goals were the estab­lish­ment of ReCoMed — the Mediterranean Oil Cities Network – link­ing 15 olive oil-pro­duc­ing coun­tries fac­ing the Mediterranean Sea, and the launch of an effort to include the olive-grow­ing land­scape” on the list of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

This year, the forum aims to ana­lyze and dis­cuss what has been done – and what still needs to be done – to pro­mote and enhance the Mediterannean Diet as a nutri­tional and cul­tural pat­tern to be spread through­out the world.

The pro­gram intends to iden­tify the Diet as an essen­tial eth­nic, anthro­po­log­i­cal and eco­nomic asset for Liguria and for all the Mediterranean coastal areas, involv­ing the 15 coun­tries adher­ing to ReCoMed in addi­tion to Italy: Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Montenegro, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, France, Spain, Portugal, Lebanon, Tunisia and Algeria.

Olive-grow­ing and olive oil pro­duc­tion is, of course, a sta­ple of Mediterranean Diet, and it will hold a spe­cial place in the forum agenda.

On Thursday 15 November the main focus will be on Progetto Giovani, ded­i­cated to young peo­ple, includ­ing a con­fer­ence with stu­dents and local school insti­tu­tions, and the pre­sen­ta­tion of the 2013 Bimboil edi­tion, a school con­test about food and nutri­tion edu­ca­tion.

On Friday 16, CUEIM University Consortium will present the project Disciplinary code for the Mediterranean Diet label use as a UNESCO Heritage ‚” while Saturday 17 will be ded­i­cated to farm­ers and grow­ers. On Saturday will also be held the award cer­e­mony for the Best Oliveyard” com­pe­ti­tion.

On the same days of the forum, an olive oil fair and mar­ket­place called OliOliva, (16 – 18 November) will take place in Oneglia, the his­tor­i­cal dis­trict and har­bor of Imperia.


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