`GirOlio 2013: Around Italy in 90 Days - Olive Oil Times
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GirOlio 2013: Around Italy in 90 Days

By Luciana Squadrilli
Sep. 19, 2013 13:36 UTC


On the 20th September, the third edi­tion of GirOlio will get under way. The trav­el­ing event orga­nized by the National Association of Oil Cities (Città dell’Olio) will have 16 stop-overs, one for every Italian region that counts olive grow­ing and oil-mak­ing among its tra­di­tions.

The start­ing point will be Ragusa, the pic­turesque city built on a wide lime­stone hill between two deep val­leys in one of the most beau­ti­ful areas of Sicily, Val di Noto, listed among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Representatives of the 16 cities will attend the open­ing cer­e­mony and the con­gress ded­i­cated to the Mediterranean diet and healthy food, that will also be one of the main themes of the next Expo 2015 in Milan.

After that, the tour will reach 15 more cities, cross­ing the whole coun­try up to the North (Duino, in Friuli, will be the sec­ond stop-over on the 22nd) and then untidily trav­el­ing trough the Italian boot again south every week­end: Arco in Trentino region on Saturday the 5th October; San Paolo di Jesi (Marche) on Saturday the 12th; Lerici (Liguria) on Saturday the 19th; Saracena (Calabria) on Sunday the 27th; then in November Dolianova (Sardinia) on the 3rd; Melfi (Basilicata) on the 9th; Caiazzo (Campania) on the 16th; Parma (Emilia Romagna) on the 23rd; Pove del Grappa (Veneto) on the 24th, then Castagneto Carducci (Tuscany) on the 30th.

In December the next stopovers will take place in Giano dell’Umbria on Sunday the 1st, and Pescara (Abruzzo) on the 14th, while the Italian Bank Holiday ded­i­cated to the Holy Virgin (on the 8th of December) will be the date for the Annual Conference of Città dell’Olio in Canino, Lazio. The final stop-over will then be on the 21st of December in Bitonto, in Apulia region.

Exactly three months will thus be ded­i­cated to the newly-milled olive oil and to the typ­i­cal prod­ucts of every region. Public tast­ings will fol­low the offi­cial open­ing cer­e­mony involv­ing author­i­ties and local schools, as chil­dren will be one of the main par­tic­i­pants of the edu­ca­tional pro­gram of the event.

GirOlio will also have a spe­cial focus on taste, as extra vir­gin olive oil will not only be offered in straight tast­ings and pan­els but also in the chefs’ recipes. Local Oil Restaurants” will have Mediterranean diet-themed menus and will set up ded­i­cated oil menus,” while the local olive oils will also be part of shop­ping itin­er­aries and happy hours.”

In every Oil City, there will be a spe­cial din­ner based on the local extra vir­gin olive oil and the one com­ing from the pre­vi­ous stop-over. The din­ner will be pre­pared by a local chef and one of the pre­vi­ous region, to strengthen the twin­ning and col­lab­o­ra­tion between dif­fer­ent ter­ri­to­ries.

And this year, GirOlio will go social: the pub­lic will be invited to take pic­tures of the events and share them on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook using the hash­tag #GirOlio2013.


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