`Andalusia Announces Working Group on Olive Oil Quality Standards - Olive Oil Times
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Andalusia Announces Working Group on Olive Oil Quality Standards

By Pandora Penamil Penafiel
Jan. 20, 2012 05:10 UTC


Andalusia’s Minister of Agriculture and Fishing, Clara Aguilera, has announced the for­ma­tion together with the olive indus­try of a tech­ni­cal work­ing group to ana­lyze the reg­u­la­tions on the qual­ity of olive oil avail­able today. Aguilera met with the press yes­ter­day after meet­ing with rep­re­sen­ta­tives of var­i­ous orga­ni­za­tions and coop­er­a­tives to speak about the sit­u­a­tion of the sec­tor and explore pos­si­ble solu­tions in the short and medium term to calm the cri­sis of ori­gin prices.

According to Aguilera Andalusia, because of its lead­er­ship in this sec­tor, should pro­mote any ini­tia­tive that con­tributes to the pro­mo­tion and devel­op­ment of olive oil, and we con­sider essen­tial the cre­ation of a work­ing group to assess all cur­rently applied reg­u­la­tions con­cern­ing olive oil in all its cat­e­gories.” Therefore, one of the requests from this group, held at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment will be to recover the par­lia­men­tary process of the State Law on Food Quality, still in the approval process. Since the out­come of this study may impact on the cur­rent rules, it is expected that the con­clu­sions of this group will be pub­lic within two or three weeks.

Aguilera also insisted that the Minister, Miguel Arias Cañete, should urge Brussels to acti­vate urgently” the mech­a­nism which allows pri­vate stor­age of vir­gin olive oil, because the autho­riza­tion requires two con­sec­u­tive weeks of prices below the thresh­old, and we are already fac­ing the fifth week.” Organizations and asso­ci­a­tions send to the Ministry a weekly report on the price sit­u­a­tion which jus­ti­fies the imme­di­ate adop­tion of pri­vate stor­age aid. All I hope is that the Minister, who is totally aware of the prob­lems being expe­ri­enced by the sec­tor, con­tin­ues insist­ing in Brussels,” said Aguilera.

In the short-medium term, Aguilera high­lighted the need to strengthen the role of pro­mo­tion. For Aguilera, pro­mo­tion will help to con­sol­i­date or even increase the sig­nif­i­cant growth that exports of olive oil have expe­ri­enced in recent years.

To sell more and bet­ter” Andalusia’s Minister of Agriculture and Fishing is study­ing fur­ther actions, other than those already imple­mented, for the pro­mo­tion and con­cen­tra­tion of sup­plies through merger inte­gra­tions and busi­ness that con­tributes to a bet­ter posi­tion­ing of olive oil brands against those of major retail­ers.

Mercacei arti­cles also appear in Mercacei mag­a­zine and are not edited by Olive Oil Times.


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