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Another Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Kids

By Julie Butler
Jan. 14, 2012 13:16 UTC

An extra vir­gin olive oil blended to woo young taste buds is being mar­keted by a Spanish pro­ducer.

Designed to be sub­tle in fla­vor but fruity and slightly sweet, the new prod­ucts from Almería-based Castillo de Tabernas are 60% Picual, 20% Hojiblanca and 20% Arbequina and have a maxmi­mum acid­ity of 0.1%.

The com­pany says the blends were those pre­ferred in taste tests with more than 2000 chil­dren and are designed to intro­duce them to EVOO’s health ben­e­fits from an early age.

Benjamín is designed for chil­dren aged between six months and five years and Cadete for those older than five.

Company pres­i­dent Rafael Úbeda says the prod­ucts, sold in 250ml bot­tles, enhance the diges­tion and sleep of babies and make veg­eta­bles, sal­ads and sand­wiches more appeal­ing for chil­dren.

I have two daugh­ters who now don’t want any break­fast other than desert toast’ — bread with honey and olive oil,” he said. These prod­ucts are aimed at par­ents who want to instill healthy habits in their chil­dren.”

The com­pany also pro­motes the oils as an aid in build­ing stronger bones and in fight­ing cho­les­terol and obe­sity.

The com­pany recently reached an agree­ment with Spanish depart­ment store chain El Corte Inglés for the exclu­sive dis­tri­b­u­tion of the two EVOOs.

According to new guide­lines endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, all chil­dren should be screened for cho­les­terol lev­els between ages 9 and 11, and again between ages 17 and 21, even those not at an increased risk of high cho­les­terol and heart dis­ease.


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