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Home Team Argentina Dominates Olivinus Olive Oil Competition

By Charlie Higgins
Sep. 15, 2011 08:28 UTC

Argentine olive oil pro­duc­ers received more prizes than any other nation­al­ity at the fifth annual Olivinus International Olive Oil Competition held in Mendoza the last week of August. A total of 187 prizes were awarded.

Argentina took home 99 extra vir­gin olive oil prizes, includ­ing 21 Grand Prestige Gold, 32 Gold Prestige and 42 Gold awards. Over 400 pro­duc­ers, both national and inter­na­tional, com­peted in the event.

Prizes were dis­trib­uted among eight coun­tries. Spain fol­lowed Argentina with a total of 35 dis­tinc­tions. Other win­ners included Uruguay with 21, Portugal with 10, Chile with 8, and Italy, Israel, Greece and Cyprus, all of whom received three awards.

Of the top win­ners — those des­ig­nated Grand Prestige Gold by the judges — 80 per­cent were extra vir­gin olive oils pro­duced right in Mendoza, Argentina’s main olive and wine grow­ing province. Local Santa Augusta olive oil won the ven­er­a­ble prize for the sec­ond year in a row.

Enrique Américo Tittarelli

This year’s com­pe­ti­tion also marked the award­ing of a life­time achieve­ment award to Enrique Américo Tittarelli. Serving as one of the expert judges for the fourth year in a row, Tittarelli was rec­og­nized as a pio­neer in the devel­op­ment of olive oil pro­duc­tion tech­nol­ogy.

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