`Beauty, Inside and Out - Olive Oil Times
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Beauty, Inside and Out

By Nadine Cresswell-Myatt
Jun. 17, 2014 10:59 UTC

Last month 79-year-old actress Sophia Loren stole the show at Cannes when she was hon­ored for her work in The Human Voice (La voce umana), a short film directed by her son, Edoardo Ponti.

Audiences around the world watched in awe as the face of this exceed­ingly beau­ti­ful woman filled our screens yet again. Oh, to look that good at any age.

While Loren is blessed with the leg­endary bone struc­ture she also uses olive oil as part of her daily beauty rou­tine both inter­nally and exter­nally.

Her Mediterranean diet has always ensured that she includes at least two table­spoons of EVOO in her food intake but the famous beauty has also been known to rub a small amount into her skin to keep her skin mois­tur­ized.

She also adds a cou­ple of cap­fuls into a hot bath for a skin-nour­ish­ing soak.

American actress and healthy guru Gwyneth Paltrow also pro­motes the inter­nal and exter­nal use of olive oil.

Her 2013 cook­book It’s all Good uses EVOO in a sig­nif­i­cant pro­por­tion of her recipes.

On her much talked about web­site Goop, Paltrow includes an inter­view with Dr. Nicholas Perricone who advises: The most pow­er­ful mem­ber of the Olive Oil Polyphenol group is Hydroxytyrosol. Extremely rare, and effec­tive in even small con­cen­tra­tions, this super antiox­i­dant, anti-inflam­ma­tory has been proven to be effec­tive in improv­ing gen­eral health and appear­ance.”

And the secret of Paltrow long silky tresses: I often rec­om­mend that peo­ple use a half cup of olive oil and work it through dry hair, con­cen­trat­ing on the dri­est parts, comb­ing it through but avoid­ing the roots.”

For those inter­ested in DIY hair-masks these can be found in abun­dance on the inter­net and are as sim­ple as mix­ing olive oil with a few drops of essen­tial oil. Perfect for a day at home when you can really let the mix­ture sink in.

Organic olive oil pro­ducer Bellucci Premium also lists ways that olive oil con­sump­tion can aid beauty. For your skin, olive oil has the same anti-inflam­ma­tory prop­er­ties as ibupro­fen, which can reduce the red­ness and promi­nence of acne, stretch marks, and other skin con­di­tions. Studies also say that olive oil is rich in antiox­i­dants, which can help lower the risks of melanoma, a harm­ful type of skin can­cer.”

So beauty may come from the inside, but it seems a few of the exter­nal appli­ca­tions of olive oil as a beauty aid before your next close up can’t hurt either.


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